Friday, December 13, 2013

I love my job?

This buyer doesn't understand that you have to be SPECIFIC about numbers here. 2 plates weigh 4 pounds, 3 will weigh 6, and so on.

I don't know, dude. Let me grab another plate, weigh the pile and look it up and give you specific pricing as I add each plate and when I get to the 12th one or so we'll call it a day.

Hell, if you just want me to just add on to the cost for each plate then for shits n giggles let's just say we'll add $5 a plate to ease my pain and suffering because you keep asking non-specific, ambiguous questions and I keep trying to answer them correctly. It's time to bust out my headless chicken and voodoo wheel so I can finally be right.

Dear S___,
how much shipping for additional plate?

Dear i___liang,
I can send two plates to Arizona for $11.30. Hope this helps.

Dear S___,
thanks for the quick reply, what I meant was if I win more than one, how much additional plate cost to ship, I know the first one is $11 something

Dear i___liang,
I can ship up to two for $11, 3 will probably be in the neighborhood of $13, it depends on how many you are talking about, I've got to weigh them in order to figure that out.

Shirley Dumple

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