Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I found out (and it warms the cockles of my evil heart) that my most hated buyer EVER, myguys58 was NARU'd finally.

I scoped out her id when double-checking some info for the write-up I sent Rich Vernadeau for his book. I noticed that before her banishment, they had wiped clean not only the veiled negative I had given her, but also some other seller's feedback stating she was a little "weird".

You can still see the feedback she left others with many neutrals, negatives, and "thanks for working with me" posts, meaning she bitched and got refunds a lot. I think they were only too willing to ban her because she sold as well as bought.

I know I reported her ass about 30 seconds after her first message to me. I told them she was verbally abusive and hostile, which she was. I hope that report was one of the determining factors in her NARU.

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