Tuesday, April 8, 2014

For The Love Of God People...

When listing lingerie, don't model your own shit! Friggen ewwwwwww. I have been researching vintage lingerie on eBay and Etsy so I can get a feel of what people ask and how things are photographed because of my large stash that I still have not listed...

About 30% of the time it's either the shop owner or some fugly friend of theirs modelling the lingerie. One chick had bleach blonde hair with the roots showing and tattoos all over her modelling a very nice vintage slip that may have garnered some interest if that mental image wasn't sticking with you. The only thing that could have made it look trashier would have been a butt hanging out of her mouth.

Keep it classy, people.

Please. Please if you need a way to photograph your clothing, invest in a dummy or a mannequin.

There. I said it.

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