Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dumb Phones and People Who Won't Do Their Own Research

I am a little fed up with idiots on so-called "smart phones" that take pictures at the auction house and that refuse to do any real research. I don't have a smartphone, nor do I have a need for one. My knowledge comes from years of antiquing, going to fleamarkets and selling online. I look at an item and know instantly whether I am going to buy it or not.

You know, maybe this is part of the reason ebay does crack down on certain sellers, because it's clear that some of them know nothing about that which they sell without the aid of the all-knowing interwebs and because they don't know what they're dealing with, half the time they don't know how to describe it or pack it correctly either. My mother is one of these people.

My mother uses me as her fuckin' smart phone and it's getting on my nerves a little. "How do you pack this?" "Should I buy this?" etc.

I have 8 minutes left on my pre-paid cell phone for the month, I am trying to conserve them so I don't have to buy more before next month.

This morning Ma goes to the thrift store. Text: "There's a Burberry coat for $10. Should I buy it?" "Well?"

If you've got to ask me then you know nothing about it and perhaps it's something you should not be dealing with, I think to myself.

Then another "It's in good shape" meanwhile my minutes are used up each time she texts me...then she fuckin' calls. I don't answer. She arrives at my door all huffy and bitches that I don't answer my phone. I then say "I've got 8 minutes left-for the MONTH!"

"Oh" she says, and then drags the huge coat in question into my kitchen and drapes it across my dressmaker's dummy and fuckin' leaves it here. Because, she'll "come back and take pictures later" meaning that either I've got to leave the fuckin' dummy sitting in my kitchen with the damned coat on it all day, or remove said coat and dummy to the spare room, only to drag both back out later on.

Then she'll be pissed off and be bitching later on when said coat sells for only $20 because she will
A. Take a blurry picture, only ONE, maybe two, if you're lucky, nor will she use the cropper.
B. She won't have taken measurements, and of course someone will fuckin' ask and guess who will have to give her the tutorial on how to measure it properly? (me, in case you haven't figured that out)

Then the buyer will bitch about the smoke smell once it arrives. She puts a "disclaimer" saying she cannot guarantee the item won't smell like smoke (but trust me, it WILL. Her, my sister and my stepdad all smoke like chimneys, there's a literal smoke haze that never goes away in that house) *headdesk*

People, if you smoke, don't sell clothes! Non-smokers HATE smoke smell and sometimes it takes several washing to get the smell out and if the item is dry clean only, that shit will get expensive in a hurry!

Also don't pack glass or ceramics in paper. Don't do it! You've got to use bubble wrap and packing peanuts. If you're fuckin' worried about the environment, don't sell shit that breaks or use that expensive corn based packing shit that melts. You can't just chuck shit in a box unwrapped and let it rattle around in there.

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