Sunday, April 6, 2014


Today I went to the fleamarket. I bought a bagful of the pesky aforementioned My Little Pony toys, a sweetheart pillow, and a few random other things. I went up to one booth and asked the man how much he was asking for his vintage tablecloths. He snottily replied: "Ten bucks. They'd charge ya a hundred bucks fa them things at Brimfield"

I was willing to pay up to $10 for one of them, because me and Oxi-Clean are BFFs, until he opened his mouth.

Not with the stains yours had on them, dude. At Brimfield they'd be stain-free, hole free, starched, ironed, folded neatly and arranged by color, not hanging haphazardly off an old drying rack, blowing around getting dusty.

I love how people selling you something feel the need to point out what a bargain (pronounced bah-ghan. Masshole accent) you're getting. "I could get xxx dollars on ebay/Brimfield/a B&M store" Well then, sell it there!

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