Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Since ebay has been playing a game of IP hide and seek with me (I had to change my IP address in order to log in yesterday!) and 2 NPB have left a bad taste in my mouth, I've decided to list even more on Etsy and I've begun the "Twitter Hustle". I hand pick one or two items from my shop and tweet them.

I follow buyers and sellers of my type of merchandise and they follow me back...sometimes. My "hustle" has resulted in one sale, so I was pleased. I love their merchandise, and have no problem re-tweeting their sales links, however, I feel like with the prices some of them charge...good luck to them..

I focused on a lovely crystal necklace someone was selling on Etsy. If it was mine, I'd price it at about $25 and pray that I got a bite, but she had it priced $165. I re-tweeted it anyway and hope for her that someone with cash to burn will jump on it. 

As for my shop...Etsy has been good for a solid $70 this past week...works for me.

My ebay shows $115 in sales over the past 5 days but only $20 has been paid, as my mortgage company will attest to. Unpaid assistant jumped on my "5 day layaway" planner last night. Whether she will actually pay remains to be seen. I also sold a clock last night but haven't heard a peep from the buyer, which is just as well since I am on the hunt for a better box anyway.

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