Wednesday, April 2, 2014

eBay For Dummies

I bought the book eBay for dummies. I read it years ago, but one particular thing resonated with me when it came to vintage clothes.

In the book, the author speaks of buying a bra for a bargain price and getting it in a taquitos box or some such thing, and while she liked the bra, she lamented how it made her feel to pull it out of a recycled food box. She goes on to say wouldn't have minded paying a higher price for a better presentation. It seems counterintuitive to spend money on fancy trappings, but I get what she meant.

This past weekend I splurged on some "fancy" trappings for my clothes goods. I bought pretty tissue paper, and sweet little bird/flower/owl stickers with which to fasten it closed once I wrap the item in it. I refuse to use recycled anything for them. Ordering brand spanking new envelopes was a must. I must say, I am pleased with the first few "fancy" wrappings I've done. It only cost a few extra dollars, and I hope that my customers will be pleased with it.

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