Monday, August 15, 2016

Resale Is a Bitch

Summer is the worst time for resale. In June and July prices tank, never to recover until fall. During this time, there will always be whiners and scammers.

I have a booth at Bonanza. My sales are so lackluster that I actually forgot I had the booth and never use the paypal address associated with said booth anymore.

I was sifting through my Yahoo mail that I check once a month or so for a bill from my trash pickup and saw "You made a sale at Bonanza" This sale was 4 days before I actually saw the e-mail...I messaged the buyer said "Never saw e-mail, etc etc. Will send tomorrow".

That night, my father-in-law died. Long story short, because of all the goings on, I forgot all about the $4.00 pony. Of course she complained to Bonanza, and now I have to go to the fucking library in order to refund her, since I don't want cookies from the paypal accounts mixing.

I put the damned troublesome booth "on vacation" Frig that headache. I am not going upstairs in 90+ degree humid weather to look for a pony I put away last year for a lousy $1.00 or $2.00 profit.

In the meantime I list on ebay. I randomly get a message one day:

"Hello! Please go ahead and leave me positive feedback for my prompt payment regarding this doll case. I paid for it immediately going on a month and a half ago. If you wait another week or so (total 45 days) the item will disappear from your list and you won't be able to leave feedback at all. I left you positive feedback right after it arrived. Thank you! I appreciate it!"
Well, thanks for ordering me me to leave you feedback, bitch. You may have paid for it immediately, but that doesn't always make for a good buyer. Good buyers shut their damned mouths and enjoy their merchandise. Good buyers don't issue orders. I sent her a terse e-mail saying that we had just lost my father-in-law and that "Sorry, I wasn't exactly focused on ebay. I will leave it tomorrow" and I did. I hate people.

Today I got an e-mail saying, quite ambiguously, "I am sorry. I did not know there wasn't a belt" Afterward, I check my e-mail and see that someone had bid and retracted on a doll. I said in line 2 of the description: "The belt is missing"

Also this morning, I got another message from someone speaking broken English asking me to "sell the doll outside of the auction" Why can't these assholes wait the 4 days til the auction ends? Yes, your life will end if you cannot buy it now. I am suspecting that she thinks she can buy it for the start price. Not.Going.To.Happen.

Shirley Dumple

  Ebay has now changed the feedback removal protocol for sellers and now even though they like to tout "You're covered" when y...