Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Shirley Dumple

  Ebay has now changed the feedback removal protocol for sellers and now even though they like to tout "You're covered" when you sell internationally, I am here to say - No. You're not. 

I sold a fuckin Shirley Temple doll to a 0 feedback bidder in Mexico. I checked the doll over, packed the doll and sent it off. Buyer gets doll and immediately sends me a picture of an ass crack - not the crack that the doll was SUPPOSED to have, but one caused by someone's shit handling.

Me: I have contacted eBay and I am waiting for customer service to answer me. I will message you as soon as they reply to me. I am very sorry that the item arrived damaged.

Her: Muchas gracias 😊 saludos

I Contact ebay and since it's an international sale it's their problem -  they say to tell her to return the doll for a full refund. This makes her go full retard. But but but I want to keep the doll, I love the doll etc etc.

I am like Bruh, you gotta return it if you want a refund. So the bitch leaves me the first negative I have ever gotten on the account. Fuck you ebay. That should be YOUR negative.

I contact ebay for Business, they tell me that there's a new policy and I gotta contact this link via ebay. Okay. Ebay then does nothing. The wonderful ever-so-helpful AI bot tells me that there aren't any grounds for removal.

So much for "Seller Protection" using ebay international. The international hub damaged my shit, then adding insult to injury, the asshole buyer refused to follow directions and then got mad when she could not both keep the doll AND get a refund, so now I am stuck with this negative for the next year. Her feedback remains 0 and will. I am sick and tired of having to be forced to leave a positive feedback for what I perceive as a shit transaction with a buyer.

Ever since, when "relisting" I send shit to Etsy - 9 times out of 10, it sells for the asking price. Ebay will not only manage to bury the listing, but also tells me to "drop the price by $2 and relist". Fuck yooooo. I am tired of the race to the bottom. Instead I raise the price by $2 and list it elsewhere. lol.

Friday, September 15, 2023

The $1.12 Hill

I "sell" a MIB Barbie. Said Barbie was $10.00 + $9.50 flat shipping. Tax brought the total on the invoice to $21.12. 2 days after auction's end:

"Will you take a flat $20.00?"

Uhhhhh. No. I explain that ebay is charging for tax because IT'S THE LAW and tell them no, and send the invoice. I am already taking a nearly $3.00 hit on shipping for a $10.00 item, meaning that after fees and the shipping hit - I will get $5.50 for the fucking doll. Hell no, I'm not paying your tax for you, lady. 

$1.12 was the hill she died on - I cancelled for non-payment the second I was able. 

Last night, I list several dolls and outfits. An hour later, the first question right out of the gate:

Is her legs are in excellent condition

 I grit my teeth because in said listing the first thing I mention is that the legs are not chewed, split or green and that the knees hold a pose. I don't know how much clearer I could have been. *headdesk*

Then this morning: 

Hi would you be interested in making this a buy it now? I would like to buy it I do nit like bidding and waiting. Thank you!

Bitch. If I wanted to list it as a Buy it Now and get fuckin ripped off, then I would have! If you don't like "bidding and waiting" then find one of the many other of this same exact doll that are for sale as a Buy It Now already, but then you'd have to pay triple shipping and pay a real ballpark price, right? LOL

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Swirly City

 I have a doll for sale. Here is the description:

"Face is very slightly darker than the torso. Lips are very pale white-pink. Original nail polish, hair is in original set. No arm swing.  No splits, no green. Comes with blue swimsuit"

Questions from potential buyers, aka people who don't bother to read or look at pictures:

Does she have green ear on either ear?

Any green on the doll's right ear? You only show the left side of her face.
Any nose nips, or neck splits?

OMG. I never said right in the description that the doll had no green or splits, did I? 

There is literally less than one paragraph to read, and these fuckers cannot be bothered. How am I supposed to know that they will even read my reply if it exceeds a couple of lines? lol

I replied to the second dumbass that as stated in the description, there are no splits and no green on the doll and that I only took a picture of the side of the doll's head to show the ponytail. I did however answer the nose nip question because that question was sort of justified, though you can see clearly in the pictures that there is not one. *headdesk*

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Frosted Flakes...they're not grrrrrreat

I put some pony stuff for sale. Within minutes I get one "Claim". I open PMs and see that she and another person I have sold to in the past have both responded. Since ol' claimee was first, I give her dibs. BIG mistake. 

 She gives me info, I send the invoice. First, "Do you have anything else?" then "Can I get a picture of______?" and here I am almost a day later - unpaid. A little pissed. Yes. Another fuckin pony flake. Bitch, I was selling THOSE two things. If you want them...fucking PAY FOR THEM, then worry about what else Khajit has for wares. 

 Then I check my ebay. I have a pony on fixed price and see an offer. I check the offer expecting stupidity and I am never disappointed. A $55 offer for a pony I have listed at $100. What on God's green earth would make you think I will give it away for half price? No thank you. I decline and now wait for the slightly less retarded, but still likely to be rejected offer...

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Doll People Part 2

 My Child doll people are wild, man. I get a question about a doll I am selling. The question :

Does she have a wobbly ? Are her limbs tight or loose? Are there rips and/or tears on her body?

Now "wobbly" set me off. I think back to that Reiki massage nut My Child doll buyer from a couple of years ago that could not be bothered to go to the PO to return the fucking doll because she "ran a business etc etc"

My spidey senses tell me that this is another nutcase. Also, line 2 of my description is "limbs are tight".  I have several pictures of the doll with no clothing and there is a magnify feature, plus I do not say in the description that there are tears or holes. 

I look at her feedback. Yikes. Look at left for others - extra Yikes. 

Charley is playing Jurassic Park, so he's occupied and so I fall down the proverbial rabbit hole...This bitch writes a damned novel on each and every feedback. I block immediately. 

Last night I get this message:
Could you be so kind as to explain why you’re not allowing me to bid on your doll?

I want to answer "It's because you look nuts and like you're a huge pain in the arse" but...Customer Service Persona engage!

I am like "Your feedback and feedback left for others".

This morning I am bombarded with 3...count 'em, 3 messages from this tree nut.

1. I’m sorry that my honesty offends you. I’ve already figured it out that there are two types of collectors of these my child dolls.
1) those that collect, refurbish & sell for a high price
2) those who buy to refurbish & then sell for children’s play.
I fall under type #2.
This is a hobby for me which I find b 

2. This is a hobby which I find extremely therapeutic. I started this nine months ago when I refurbished my niece’s doll that was handed down to her daughter. Since I’ve identified two different types of collectors of these dolls it’s obvious I’ve stepped on some toes without realizing others might be offended. That wasn’t my intent. Now that I am aware of this I will continue refurbishing dolls for children’s play while others refurbish for a different purpose.

3. Therefore, all is fine. We just need to keep in mind there are two types of collectors out there And treat each other with kindness.

Oh. Thank God you gave me your blessing to block you, honey. I would have been sitting and worrying about it all fuckin' day. 

This bitch feels the need to write a novel with every interaction. Given that I am a person of surprisingly little words in real life, I find this exhausting and annoying. 

"My honesty offends you" No, bitch. What offends me is your lack of shits given about ruining someone else's livelihood with your idiotic feedback. Guess what, moron? When you ask a stupid question, the seller you are asking can now see your feedback and feedback left for others. This feedback tells a story about who you are as a buyer. You, ma'am are a fucking headache, and I sidestepped that BS because I still can. I rue the day ebay starts hiding that feedback feature. Following screenshots are her feedback and the next few are her "left for others". Giant steaming BS choo choo train. No fuckin' thank you...

Monday, August 29, 2022

Cheaplestiltskin 2 Electric Boogaloo

 The Ding dong that messaged me 5 days ago asking about 6 ponies surfaced again...this is the message I got:

Hi, if these ponies are still available, would you be able to create a bundle for me for $50? My zip code is -------.

I was like sorry dude, I answered you several days ago. I sold the ponies elsewhere. 

In actuality I sold 3 of them, but point being - you snooze, you lose. The Canadian that bought them was no BS, she agreed upon a lot, paid immediately. No dicking around, no haggling. I got a little more than I would have selling to this clown and without the dang ebay fees and threat of shit feedback.

Sunday, August 28, 2022


Here is a fairy tale from Ponyland... 

I am selling off some excess ponyage this week. This is because I have a very tiny pony room and need the space for my loose ponies and some G1 playsets that I want to bring down from the attic. I had a taker from Aussieland who bought two rather largish lots from me and a couple of randos buying several more.

My Ma is over visiting and I see that I have a message: 

"Would you consider combining the ponies below for $50? Thanks"

A list of 6 ponies is given. Mind you, they are already asking for a $10 discount by offering only $50 for 6 ponies. I have to cut my visit short with my Ma because I gotta get into the closet, get the ponies, weigh them and respond to the asker.

I send them back a shipping amount ballpark with zipcodes added to show cost for whatever area they may live in and they vanish into thin air, never to be heard from again...I'd say, "The End" but I want to elaborate once more that pony people are cheap fucking flakes.

                                                        The End

Shirley Dumple

  Ebay has now changed the feedback removal protocol for sellers and now even though they like to tout "You're covered" when y...