Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Customer Can Always Go To Hell

She paid $5.00 for a little over a yard of vintage calico (which usually sells for 10 times what she paid) and suddenly left me a why in hell did she wait 3 or 4 days to complain? I am thinking it's because I sent someone in France some ponies at a lightning fast speed and it ticked her off to read that they got theirs so fast...well, my financial circumstances were different when I sent those...ugh.

Before I leave feedback with regard to this purchase, I would like to know why it took so long for the shipping. The sale was made on July 30th, the fabric was not shipped until August 11th and I received the fabric on August 16th. Why did you wait for 12 days before shipping my purchased fabric.

I'm really quite disturbed that this transaction took so long without any notification from you as to why. Please respond within the next three days or I will be forced to leave a somewhat negative feedback. Thank you!

Okay want the long version or the short version?

Short Version:
My ex-husband thought it would be a good idea to take up martial arts and dragged my daughter to a dojo with him. I went to keep an eye on her and I left him for the instructor and then eventually got knocked up by said instructor, and because of it I am unemployed and my life is a spiraling financial shit hole.

Long Version:
I am poor as shit. I owed $70 on my car insurance, and since some OTHER ebay asshole had a hold put on $37 of my money for over a week I could not pay it. Because I pay out of pocket for shipping until the paypal payment hits my bank, I could not afford to send your precious fucking fabric on time. Even if the money had not been on hold, I would have had to get in my 15 year old POS Thunderturd and pray that it chugged its way to the post office without stalling...and this is after I corral my rambunctious 15 month old and make sure someone can keep an eye on him while I go to the post office in the first place.

I am glad you're sheltered enough in your life that you can afford to be "quite disturbed" because nobody e-mailed you about a $5 piece of fabric. Go ahead and leave me that negative even though you DID receive your fabric at a 10th of the normal price albeit late, you petty shallow bitch. Rant over. Thanks for listening, lol.

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