Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another Day Another Dollar General

Ugh. This weekend is fleamarket time again. I sit here thinking over prices and then "customer" reactions. Last time I asked $5 each for full length bib aprons that, I might add, I could have sold for $15-$20 each on ebay. I had a snotty older woman ask me the price, I told her "$5 each, but I'll go $3". She says "I was thinking more like $1". I wanted to shove them up her candy-arse.

I just smiled and refused to back down, and she sniffed and trotted away. I later sold a few for $3 each. Do these people think about the fact that these items were originally either made, which took material which cost money, and time to make, or they were purchased by the present owner, which cost money to buy and also takes time, seeing as I usually wash, starch and iron my linens?

Nope. They don't.  When I shop at the fleamarket I don't ever ask someone to lower their price, they have a reason for whatever they are asking. I feel like it's shitty and insulting to ask someone who is asking $3 for a $25 item to lower it to a dollar. You're already getting a bargain, why push it?

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