Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ebay's Bitter Barista

Yes. They come in waves. You'll get 100 good customers, a handful of great ones and then you get the know-it-alls and the idiots. Last week was a guy that bid on some antique brackets.

On my auction terms I say "payment within 3 days, please" I send him an invoice, no response, I wait 3 days, send him another invoice, no response.

2 days after the 2nd invoice, I send the 2nd bidder a 2nd chance offer, she accepts and pays...then the next morning, the first idiot pays. Not only does he pay, he also instructs me to send the thing to an unverified address in UAE, his payment address states Germany. Uh-uh. I refund him immediately, and send him a request to cancel transaction, he agrees, then a couple of days later he leaves me a negative. He could not be bothered to respond to two invoices in 6 days, but he sure as hell took time to shit on my feedback as soon as he possibly could. ARGH! I call ebay. They said that even though there was no transaction he's entitled to leave his opinion about it. Since I am a seller, I am not, and the feedback won't be removed either. I hate their policies. HATE them.

Today I get militant light shade buying man leaving me a packing message. I have done this for 14 years. I have yet to get a negative about my packing .

"Please,please wrap good. LOts of stuff coming n broken. USPS "do" drop & toss!!!Shippin big strong box keep awayfrom "bottom"- sides really helps. Tape not wrapping material. Peanuts & Bubble wrap R. Walmart bags not.tks, Matt"

I get that he doesn't want his shit broken, but I don't like unsolicited "tutorials" I know how to ship a light fixture, dude.

Then, there's Miss I-Want-To-Cancel-My-Bid-Even-Though-I-Won-The-Item. It pisses me off when people bid on shit and then turn around and don't want it, we sellers still get charged a fee even if we don't get paid because there was a bid! I sent her a "cancel transaction" notice so that I can get my fees back. UGH.

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