Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Things Not To Do

There are a couple of things I've learned not to do in my past year of running a stealth account on ebay that I see people doing all the time and then complaining about.

They call CS and then bitch about how nothing was done. Are you really surprised by this, people?

Don't call Customer Service. All this will do is shine a laser pointer on your account. You will get a Peggy reading a canned response with an accent you do not understand, nothing will get removed or fixed. Then MC999 - Bye bye account.

They cancel transactions, then bitch when they get a defect. Don't pay attention to anything ebay sends you saying this or that won't happen if you do this...it WILL. Don't do it!

When you encounter an idiot who "accidentally" bids on something, don't fuckin' cancel the transaction. You WILL get a defect. Be polite and ass-kissy to the "buyer" and then eat it. Is that lousy buck you're out of via fees worth canning your account over? I didn't think so.

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