Wednesday, April 29, 2015


The other day I sent out two clay pots. The less expensive one that already had noted damage (hairline cracks on the lip edge) had a chunk taken out of the lip.

Now seeing as it was stuffed with packing pillows, cushioned with large bubble bubble wrap (twice!) and surrounded by peanuts inside the larger pot, I am unsure how this even happened.

I am pretty sure looking at the location of the damage, that the guy attempted to pull it out before removing the peanuts around it and took a chunk off the lip while doing so because of the pressure put on those aforementioned hairline cracks.

So of course, instead of contacting me via messages, the asshole OPENS A RETURN CASE and requests a partial refund. Why in fuck could he not just send me a message asking for one? I don't give a rat's ass about the fucking $15 I refunded. I do, however, care about my defect rate, which I try to keep as spotless as possible. There was no reason he should have had to open a case!

Now my .42 defect rate is .63. Fucker. I have spent the last several months trying to get it down from the .55 it had climbed to after some bitch opened a case about a stupid Cabbage Patch doll...again, without checking with me to see if I was willing to work with her first! Now I am back to square one. *headdesk*

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