Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fleamarket Shoppers

I have a new rash of ebay pests. These are not complainers, or whiners. They are lowball after auction offerers. I had 4 auctions end with start prices ranging from $29.99 to $34.99. This guy sends me this, with no title, no item number, so I have no idea what he's offering this for, and if I wanted $19.99 for it, I'd have relisted it for that...

Since bidding has ended, with no offer, I am now offering to buy from you for US$19.99.  Your consideration will be much appreciated. Thank you.

Last night. Again, no title, no auction number.
 hi how are you..? I am willing to pay 5.00 $
My response (rather snippy):
I do not know what item you are talking about, and what I have listed for the price is the price. $5 won't cut it for anything I have listed.
He finally got back to me and said it was for some feathers. Frig that, dude. I can package them with some crochet lace and other feathers I have and sell them as a millinery lot for more than I had them listed in the first place as fly tying supplies. It's all in the presentation.

Did my auction say Best Offer? no it did NOT. If I wanted to give my shit away I'd just go to the damned fleamarket.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

This weeks winner is....

Potential Etsy buyer, E.

what size is this plate?

Item title:
 Vintage German Cabbage Roses 6" Cabinet Plate

That happened.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Seller Updates

Hey ebay! Let this seller give YOU an update.

I hate being forced into 5 day listings.  They suck, and here's why:
I upload my 5 day listing. Potential buyer puts item on watch list. This gives them 5 days to find another item, forget said item, or think over and decide they don't really want it. Since I have had to implement 5 day listings my sales have taken the proverbial dump. I don't like to do buy-it-now because there's too much potential to screw oneself out of extra money garnered from the bidding process.

I also hate that you've eliminated 30 freebie listings. The FVF amounts you would have gotten from whatever freebie listings that sold would have trumped the .30 you got per listing that you will now get, because now I will be selecting very carefully and selling less of my lower end stuff.

Yay! say some people "I am sick of ebay being flooded with cheap crap" This hits people who are looking for parts or accessories to people are not going to want to list that hat to a certain doll, or fence piece from that playset because they don't think it is worth it to blow .30 on listing a $5 thing.

I am gun-shy to list any more suspected non home runs/cheap items (IE under $12). Etsy will get my money for those.

eBay, your company is tanking. Please for-the-love-of-God, get your heads out of your asses!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Buy It Now

I had this message waiting for me in my inbox this morning:
I am interested in the Stangl Magnolia 

Is there any way I can combine several of the listings and pay a buy now price?

Let me know if that is possible.
If I had any idea what to charge for these damned things, I would have charged it and done a fixed price. If I wanted to do a buy-it-now, I would have done so. I was hoping there would be some competition and so these would not go for the start bid, so the start price is a no. I don't want to seem greedy, but I want to get what these fuckin' things are worth, or at least ballpark.

She doesn't tell me which of the lots she even wants, though I am suspecting it's the bowls, because they are rare and they will wind up going for about double when these auctions finally end. I also suspect this has come about because she does not want to wait 4 days for the fuckin things to end, and on that point I don't blame her!

I kind of cringe because she lives in Washington state, and I charge east coast prices for shipping so that west coast people aren't scared off from bidding due to high shipping. Her wanting this shit causes a conundrum for me because for obvious reasons I would prefer someone in say New York/Pennsylvania/Virginia/Maryland/North know, upper-middle EAST COAST to win them because then I won't have to pay out-of-pocket for the shipping cost discrepancy 

I hate HATE the new "seller update" and being pigeonholed into 5 day listings. The stuff sits forever. I liked the 3 day auctions because then I had faster turnover. 5 days sends me to a screeching halt. People stick the shit on their watch list and then forget about it by the time the damned thing ends, not to mention that I've got more inventory sticking around my house for longer periods of time.

Fuckin Hello Kitty and Other Musings

 I "sold" a purse we've had sitting around for years. I looked it up and saw that the last two had sold north of $500. I need ...