Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fleamarket Shoppers

I have a new rash of ebay pests. These are not complainers, or whiners. They are lowball after auction offerers. I had 4 auctions end with start prices ranging from $29.99 to $34.99. This guy sends me this, with no title, no item number, so I have no idea what he's offering this for, and if I wanted $19.99 for it, I'd have relisted it for that...

Since bidding has ended, with no offer, I am now offering to buy from you for US$19.99.  Your consideration will be much appreciated. Thank you.

Last night. Again, no title, no auction number.
 hi how are you..? I am willing to pay 5.00 $
My response (rather snippy):
I do not know what item you are talking about, and what I have listed for the price is the price. $5 won't cut it for anything I have listed.
He finally got back to me and said it was for some feathers. Frig that, dude. I can package them with some crochet lace and other feathers I have and sell them as a millinery lot for more than I had them listed in the first place as fly tying supplies. It's all in the presentation.

Did my auction say Best Offer? no it did NOT. If I wanted to give my shit away I'd just go to the damned fleamarket.

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