Friday, August 14, 2015

Carrot Jumping

I am not what you would call a "carrot jumper" I just happen to come by my TRS status by doing business in what I consider the "correct" way.

Be polite, and if people are unhappy with their shit, accept a return and refund or refund their money.

I thought I was not that attached to my discounts, but I was wrong.

Two imbecile buyers took me to a level of pissed off this week that I almost cannot comprehend. Of course, it doesn't help that I am in the middle of health problems that I am a little worried about. I don't divulge this to these buyers, but since the world revolves around them, who cares, right?

First was a pair of lamps. Buyer has them 2 or 3 days, then BAM! case opened. "Socket doesn't work" on one. Since they are only $15, I refund. I sent her a message, since she had only 23 feedback, to Please, contact your seller before opening a case, described what happens to defect rate, etc. Got an apologetic message back and thanks for the FYI. I apologized to her for the shitty lamp and we've moved on. She was a good egg...just inexperienced.

It would figure that the asshole who opened a "return request" on me today (without contacting me first, of course) would be from Massachusetts. She's nasty and rude. This is my home state, and I readily admit that it is the rudest most self-centric place on earth!

Before the auction ended she asked a question with a tone I was not fond of, I was hoping she would not bid and go away. Of course she won the item...of course she did.

Comments: I asked a question prior to the end of the auction and based on your response I bid. you said I can tell you that all of the colored spools are silk with the exception of one large red heavy duty one. Silk spool count is in the 90 s. . there are a 25 silk thread spools. there are there are at least 57 spools that are cotton (mercerized is cotton thread). Since the silk thread do not number in the 90;s this is not as described. Since the mistake is yours I would like a refund of purchase price plus shipping plus return postage.
Nothing particularly nasty was actually said, but like the tone of her question, the tone of this is shitty and accusatory. You got 120 spools of thread for $42, bitch! That's a bargain no matter what kind of thread it is. My bad for thinking smooth, light, shiny thread was silk. I guess the close-up pics showing 5 and 6 at a time with the magnifying glass feature to help further wasn't enough for you. YOU COULD READ WHAT THE LABEL SAID ON EACH SPOOL! If you knew mercerized thread was cotton then perhaps you should not have bid! From now on, if anybody sends me a question with a tone I don't like, I am blocking them. if they've already bid, I am cancelling it, and then blocking them. 

Epilogue 8/31/15: I relisted the returned thread she won for $34 and sold it to another buyer who bid $104, won, and paid immediately. Been awhile. No complaints from new buyer. One man's trash is another man's treasure...

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