Thursday, June 9, 2016

I Hate People. Part 1,057

Last week I sold 3 ponies to one guy and 2 ponies to one girl on facebook. I had two oatmeal boxes that would fit the bill for 1st class shipping the ponies. I mixed the two boxes up.

I contact both and tell them. I send them both money so that they could trade the ponies and each get the correct ones.

That was my first mistake. Trusting pony people to do the right thing. He immediately "went somewhere" and says "It's too long of a wait at the PO, I'll do it later" I should have sent his ass a shipping label instead of money so he could throw it in his mailbox, which would have circumvented the post office excuse.

She does everything through fucking snail mail. I had to send her the cash. It took several days to arrive. She got it, but is now using an excuse not to send him his fucking ponies.

ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS FUCKING TRADE! I paid you for it! Apparently I should have demanded they send them back to me, but then I would have had to pay shipping twice on each one. My bad for thinking that those two numb nuts would do the right thing.   

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