Wednesday, September 21, 2016

I Want My Fuckin Dress

Just got off the crazy train with another doll person. Ebay estimated her fucking doll dress to arrive on September 14. Problem was, she bought it at the end of the week and I mailed on the 12th, which was Monday. When the 14th rolled around, the bitch opened a case.

It went something like this:

Hi. This item has not been delivered, and most recent tracking shows it still somewhere out of my state? Please let me know the status. Thank you.

(Thoroughly pissed that a case has been opened)   I don't run the postal service. Item has been mailed and is en route still.

No, you don't run postal service. But you allegedly run your eBay business and I guess acting like a jerk is the best you can do. Thanks

I don't know what you expected me to do? I already sent it. All I can do is tell you the same thing that tracking tells you, there is no way for me to know any more. If that's being a "jerk" then I guess I am one.

I'm sorry I said that, I'm just anxious because it was supposed to be here by the 14th. Tracking has not been updated since 9/12. If it does not arrive tomorrow, can you please check on it through your free shipping program tracking?

 I have never heard of that tracking program. I sent it free on my own accord. If something costs $3 or less to send, I will generally just pay for it on my own and offer free shipping. It cost me around $3.00 to send the dress. It was sent via first class mail, which doesn't always update at every point in travel and unfortunately can be a bit slow. This is why I hate that ebay puts shipping estimates on the auctions. It scares buyers when the item doesn't always arrive when ebay says it will even though it was sent within the timeframe required by them. I got my eye on the tracking on this one now. If it takes much longer, I can try a USPS inquiry.

The fucking thing was delivered on the 17th. She says this:
Hi. Yes, I see it shows delivered at 12:07 pm. Strange because it is not yet noon here! It was delivered to our office, so we won't be able to check until Monday. I'm sure it's there, but I will wait until Monday to close the inquiry. Thanks for your help and cooperation.

In such a fucking hurry that you held my money hostage for several days with your "case", but you cannot be bothered to go to the "office" to pick the damned thing up when it's delivered. *headdesk*

She went and got it a few days later and left me feedback and I got the fucking money. But this was all an unnecessary headache caused by ebay's stupid fucking "estimate" The whole time you could see on tracking that the fucking thing had been mailed and was on the move. I don't understand people. 

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