Wednesday, March 8, 2017


This batch of crap I am selling this week is golden pricewise, but it brings out the crazy in a few. First I have a wackadoo who doesn't read descriptions.

Are all these marked?

3rd line of description. "Bottoms are marked _____"

Can I see pix (yes - pix) of fleabites. I tell her to use the magnify feature. She does this, and immediately questions me about yet another piece in the picture - does it have a chip? LADY. WTF? Does it SAY it has a chip? No? Well then there is not one. Fucking A.

I also had several newer pieces of the said pottery in question. I just lumped them in the "vintage" category because in the middle of uploading 65+ auctions I am not going to stop and go, "Oh no. Even though these are 30 years old, they don't fit someone's textbook version of what "vintage" should be, so let me waste this time moving them to a new category to appease the 2 people who will be butthurt about this"

First asshole: 

Hi, your vases are not vintage Fiesta, they are contemporary post1986 Fiesta, that is why they are not 10 inches. The original vintage vases are a full 10 inches. Here is a site that can help you with vintage Fiesta.

I reply that I am aware that of the fucking things age and that I simply just left it in that category and included measurements and a photo of the bottom so that someone could make their own deductions on the matter. I then thanked her for the message and edited the descriptions to say: Vase is not brand new, but is post 1986 Fiesta.

A few hours later I get this: 

Hi, that vase is post 1986, also has the H on the bottom, they marked some of the new peices after 1997

Dude. Did I not say POST 1986 already? What more do you flipping nuts want me to do? I have measurements, pictures and a description saying post 1986. Do you want me to go tell it on the mountain with my megaphone? Spray paint it on the side of the Freedom Tower? Fly a banner over the White House and the Statue of Liberty? Get CNN to run a ticker tape? What do you flipping want from me??! 

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