Saturday, July 15, 2017

Cumin Atcha Live

Got me another live one. Asshole buys a mixer. Asshole pays with echeck. Echeck clears on Wednesday afternoon. I get notification from ebay that must ship by Friday. I print out shipping label. Thursday morning I contact FedEx to pick up on Friday.

Friday morning I am contacted by asshole buyer:
 Has this actually shipped? The tracking has not updated. Thank you.
I reply:

You paid with an e-check which did not clear until Wednesday afternoon. Since it is shipping via FedEx, I needed to schedule a pick up which is today. It should be picked up any minute now.

Maybe I was a little passive aggessive, but the stupid bitch made me wait almost a week for payment. Y'all cannot expect me to be shipping IMMEDIATELY after being jerked around for a week. Sorry.

She replies with this:

I understand the echeck processing. My concern was that it said it was shipping on Wednesday and hadn t updated since. I am well aware of how the shipping process works. Thank you.

No, bitch. You don't  understand how the shipping process works or you would have realized that I printed out the label on Wednesday and am now waiting for FedEx pick-up. The label simply hasn't been scanned yet because pick-up is a thing that takes time. 

She's going to be a live-wire asshole. I can smell it coming down the pike.

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