Wednesday, March 30, 2022

High Horsey

 OMFG. I think I've seen the dumbest post EVER on the cheerleader board. It's funny that this moron is willing to throw away nearly $400 over supposed "ethics".

She's pissed that her buyer used her pictures and is reselling the same item before she even shipped it. She's combative with every person who replies to her and keep repeating shit about her "morals" and "ethics".  People in the group are like "Uhh, that's allowed you know" and she's all like:

I don't give a damn if the person who bought it sells it for a million dollars. To those who think this is wasted energy, I just refunded $375.00. It's not about the money, it's about principle and ethics. So thankful my energy is spent on ethics. 🙂

She spent the next several posts bragging about being a professional photographer, being an Amazon associate and being on the "Governor's Task Force" and writing two bills for the state of Oklahoma. She argued with literally anyone and everyone touting her "morals and ethics" until the head cheerleader gave her the big boot into outer fucking space where she belonged. 

Never have I agreed with people so hard in that She reminded me of a relative who continually low-key brags about their achievements all day every day on Facebook. 

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