Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Slow Boat To Shitheadsville

ANOTHER infuriating ebay transaction. She bought this thing 2 days before Christmas, she should have expected it to be sent the 27th at the earliest anyway due to holidays and P.O. being closed. There was a huge batch of these fucking bears I listed, and that was the only one that sold. I missed it, sue me. Several days later I check my paypal account and see that one has sold...oops. I fire off an e-mail to let the buyer know what has happened.

Jan 2nd.
Dear michele----,
Hi! You won my talking Cheer Bear. I did not see that the item got sold until yesterday, the rest of the auctions in that batch went unsold and I missed it. It will be in the mail tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

I get this in reply several days later...apparently she can't read well or has a short memory:
Jan 8th.
Michele: Hello,You recieved my payment on December 23 20010. As of January 8 20011 I have not recieved my item. Can you please Tell me if you sent it ?

Jan 8th AGAIN.
Michele: What date will I expect to recieve this item ?

Now I am getting PISSED. How many "I sent it!" messages does this bitch need anyway?

Jan 8th AGAIN. Yup, 3 times in one day.
Michele: As of January 8 20011 this item has not been sent,you recieved my payment on December 23 20010. Please respond as to when I will be recieving this item. Thank You

Jan 8th.
Dear michele----,
I sent you a message several days ago letting you know that I had not noticed that you paid me and that I would send the item out on Monday, it was sent then and should arrive any time now.

Jan 11.
Michele: Hello, You recieved my payment on December 23 2010. You notified me that you have sent this item on January 2 2011. Todays date is now January 11 2011 and my item still has not arrived. Where is it ?

I did not say I sent it on January 2nd. I sent the MESSAGE on January 2nd, but I digress...I don't KNOW where it is, bitch. YOU did not pay for a tracking number, and even if you did...would you believe the fucking post office when they told you where it was?

Jan 14.
Dear michele----,
Here is the picture address to the receipt on the Cheer Bear. The last transaction shown on the receipt is yours. Parcel post can take a LONG time to arrive, especially since we live on opposite coasts. *link to pic deleted for own privacy and hers*

Jan 16.
Michele: I did see your photo of the receipt on photobucket that you say was sent out. I am sorry this transaction has not gone well for you. As of 1-16-2011 I have not recieved my item. According to E-bay the item is showing that it has not been sent, there is not a tracking number. Maybe you shipped it to the wrong address ? Or it is lost in the mail ? Maybe you should find out where it is. ;(

OMFG. You did not pay for a tracking number, I did not send it to the wrong address. The only way ebay will say it was shipped is if I click a link saying it was. Would it make you feel better if I clicked the fucking link so it said "sent"? Maybe if I click that magical link it will suddenly appear on your doorstep. Fucking A! How the hell am I going to find out where it is? Get into my ailing Thunderturd and conduct a cross country search?

Here's my "positive" feedback she gave me
great shape for being used. confusing communication, Slow shipper.

Now you've read these messages I sent her, what about any of them are "confusing"? Stupid bitch. Jebus, I hate ebay at times. This was all over a $5.99 teddy bear.

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