Saturday, July 2, 2011

About Me

I finally had a decent plan for catching up on my mortgage, I dropped a $280 check in the mail to start the ball rolling...then yesterday I log into paypal to find that they went and stopped a $43 transfer I was making because some frigging illiterate douchebag buyer filed a claim on something he had paid for only a week before.

I think the main problem with ebay buyers is that some of them don't think things through. They don't stop and think that these are individuals that they are buying from, not a fucking Wal-Mart Superstore, but hell, even places such as Amazon can take up to 2 weeks to send you something. I make sure that I spell it out in my about me page that I am caring for an ill man and a 2 year old, therefore I am frequently slowed down. I have never NOT sent an item. I did not get 100% positive feedback by being a deadbeat.

I think between Pete fucking with my support payments and this asshole inadvertently fucking with a bank transfer I felt it was the last straw. I was rather rude. I spelled it out for him in terms I thought his intelligence could handle no money = me no send item. Then I reiterated that the whole thing could have been avoided had he bothered to read my about me page. I am sure there is a mildly retarded response sitting in my ebay messages right now, but I am loathe to read it due to the violence it will incite.

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