Thursday, July 7, 2011

Captain Insano The Pokemon Master

Well...I guess the ebay buyer pretzdothack aka im_a_loli is the featured nutcase of the month.

He bid on some used Pokemon toys. Paid on the 23rd, started squawking on the 29th, opened a case the 1st. I checked my e-mail just before I was about to send the box...saw that payment had been stopped and sent him a mail saying that I don't send shit out without funds in hand and had he bothered to read my auction terms (detailing that my husband is fucked up from GBS and I have a toddler, so at times, shit is late) he'd have known to keep his pants on.

He then argues with me that because my terms are on my about me page and not on the auction itself then he doesn't have to abide by them. I tell him that, if he had bothered to click on "shipping and payment" or "refund policy" then it would have directed him to read my about me page for full terms.

He bitches that I should use a template on my auction. I counter with people don't want to sit there and read auction terms, they want an item description. If after they read that, they decide they want to bid they can click about me for the details and bid or not. Simple. Not to this asshole.

He tells me that I have his payment and to send out the item, I tell him, no I don't because he fuckin' froze it. I actually use the money people send me to send shit out, not my own money, and since his payment is on "hold" now I no longer have the fuckin' money to send his shit.

He tells me I am being petty. Hmm, yeah. Asshole, your "hold" shitcanned an entire bank that contained your payment and several others. I had to scramble to return cans and use all my flea market money to cover it so that my mortgage check would not bounce. Not only that, 4 other people got their shit late because I had to wait an additional 2 days for the revised transfer to get to my account.

He finally gets his money refunded and I think "Good, I'm rid of that nutcase" He leaves me a negative...the only one I have gotten in 12 years of doing business on ebay...another domino in the chain effect he already set off. Then, when I relist the Pokemon, he e-mails me under a new username bitching about me not using templates and saying thanks for blocking in order for him to know I blocked him, he had to have tried to bid...LOL.

This guy is starting to border on being a stalker. I shot off an e-mail basically telling him that his life must really be empty in order for him to be harassing me over used Pokemon and then after reiterating my auction terms that he hadn't bothered to follow, I told him to get a life.

Ugh, if you're too lazy to click a damned link then that's your problem not mine. I state twice in each auction where to go for my terms. That's how I roll. Deal with it.

You know damned well that if that link was to some porno site he'd have clicked on it right away to take a look. Maybe that's what I need to do from now on. Put "look at my porn".

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