Thursday, November 20, 2014
Pffft. Who needs it?
Today I quit both Former Ebay Sellers Groups. Now the Gestapo will not allow discussion of stealth accounts. That's enough for me. If I wanted to be told what to do...I'd log into my ebay account.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
My Latest Ebay Hall of Shamer
I sold a thing. Thing went unpaid for 4 days. Unpaid item assistant opened case. Thing went unpaid for 4 more days...on the 4th day, right after the case closes I get this:
I waddled down to the P.O. pregnant and got my shit out on time. I have gimped down there with my own ankle sprained. I got down there when my husband was laid up with GBS and partially paralyzed. I went down there with a stroller and a toddler with no working car. I went to the P.O. hours after a miscarriage and my grandfather dying (same day last year) and got my shit out on time. I managed to get my shit out on time with a fever and a bacterial infection more than once (it's recurring). I managed to get my shit out on time hours after my stepdad blew his brains out with a shotgun.
Your fucking ankle is no excuse when all you have to do to pay your fuckin' bill is type and click.
I wonder what the excuse is of the 0 feedback bidder who won something last night and still hasn't paid and the other asshole who bid on some Christmas crap that is about to have an Unpaid open up (tomorrow is the 4 day cutoff). Been getting at least one per batch lately. It's out of control, as ebay buyers usually are...
Hello, I am so sorry.Ankle twisted? Bitch. Screw Yoo. Best Dumbest/Lamest excuse, ever.
Actually. I am trying to pay for it now.
My ankle twisted and I am not able to move freely.
I am usually in a bed.
So sorry.
already canceled?
I waddled down to the P.O. pregnant and got my shit out on time. I have gimped down there with my own ankle sprained. I got down there when my husband was laid up with GBS and partially paralyzed. I went down there with a stroller and a toddler with no working car. I went to the P.O. hours after a miscarriage and my grandfather dying (same day last year) and got my shit out on time. I managed to get my shit out on time with a fever and a bacterial infection more than once (it's recurring). I managed to get my shit out on time hours after my stepdad blew his brains out with a shotgun.
Your fucking ankle is no excuse when all you have to do to pay your fuckin' bill is type and click.
I wonder what the excuse is of the 0 feedback bidder who won something last night and still hasn't paid and the other asshole who bid on some Christmas crap that is about to have an Unpaid open up (tomorrow is the 4 day cutoff). Been getting at least one per batch lately. It's out of control, as ebay buyers usually are...
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Flaming Poo-Pal
Come join us at OLA! Only $8 a month.
This quote is a reply to a post about ebay using geographical throttling and the argument for tortious interference being used. I do believe the lady in question left the group shortly thereafter...
I agree with what she said about the name-calling. The poo-pal, and e-prey, etc names give the discussions a juvenile tone to them. I myself have used evilbay, because I was trying to stay shy of search engines that might find me, but I just revert to calling it what it is these days.I'm done here, you people really are so weird. I'm "warmed" via messages by a crazy guy that I'll be banned for asking why you don't use real terms for companies and instead use third grade name-calling techniques, and now I explain why eBay took out listing fees and changed their user agreement to try to stay ahead of court cases (I didn't even get into the arbitration clause) and instead of acknowledging the facts I'm scolded for discussing it. Good luck moving forward with your issues in such an unprofessional manner.
She also shortly beforehand pointed out that you're not being "ripped off" fees if you didn't pay them to begin with, which I agree with and have said before. It sucks that they are hiding listings and it's wrong but if they're not taking a fee, then I guess that's their right.
I am saddened that a place I chose to go to to get away from a Gestapo-like environment has become one. A few nutcases are chasing off perfectly sane and reasonable people that would be helping the cause, which is to nail ebay to a wall for unethical practices used towards their sellers.
Here's my beef with the group. A certain few people get together and flame the hell out of someone if you do any of the following:
You are not allowed to call people out on the juvenile name-calling.
You are not allowed to direct people in how to create a stealth account, even if they ask.
You are not allowed to point out that other sites have no traffic.
You cannot point out that if the listings are free, then you're not necessarily being robbed.
If someone whines that they got banned from ebay for "no reason", you're not allowed to question that their defect rate might not have been 100% pristine. They may not have the rose-smelling shit they're claiming to have.
If you still sell on ebay, and admit it, you get called names like "scumbag" by a certain asshole that blocked me. (he doesn't realize I have more than one account and I can still see his nutty rantings which are driving the sane people away).
Then you get the Jehovah's Witnesses of the board...aka OLA shoved up your candy ass whether you like it or not.
Now I joined the group because I did get banned for little-no reason. I hate the way ebay is run with the burning intensity of 1,000,000 suns, however, I still need it to take care of my family. My husband has been out of commission healthwise for 4 years now, my daughter has college, and my son is 5. They need a roof over their heads and heat and food. My $25-$50 a month on Etsy and Bonanza isn't going to cut it, and Facebook is a band-aid I use when I have a slow week.
My biggest beef with ebay is that they put all the power over my finances into the hands of a buyer that might be 3 sandwiches short of a picnic...much like the flamers of the group I belong to.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut...Sometimes You Don't
So this wackjob that I had to file a NPB case on over a doll back in September keeps repeatedly e-mailing me about said doll that she wanted so badly that she bailed out on paying for it. She "bid" September 12.
First message she sent after the unpaid case was opened on September 23:
November 6th...and I also want to add that I had NEVER offered her that doll at $40. ALL the messages are right here. I did not leave out any.
Absolutely heartbroken? Fuck you. Try having your dad put a shotgun in his fuckin' mouth, you nutjob. Now THAT will break your heart. GOD. It's fucking stuffed pantyhose with eyes painted on it! Piss off!
You bet I was busy with family issues, still am. I cried when I took some of his tools home, I cried when my daughter tattooed her wrist in his honor. Even though I didn't see him everyday, and maybe we didn't get along all the time, he still left a big empty hole in my heart. We bury him this Friday at the military cemetary he requested to be buried at with his favorite uncle.
Never heard anything? Bitch! I told you "tomorrow afternoon" on September 27th, on September 28 I said "Let me know" and you didn't get back to me so I listed her on the 29th. I am not your damned babysitter. That pantyhose faced bitch sold at $99 and you didn't buy her. Some other asshole bought her and immediately wanted half back because of a supposed "hole" on the back of the dolls head. If I ever see that fucking doll again I will set fire to the son-of-a-bitch.
I went to my site preferences and blocked her ass. But even though I checked the box that says "don't allow blocked bidders to contact me" she apparently still can. Thanks ebay. Thanks a bunch.
First message she sent after the unpaid case was opened on September 23:
I'm terribly sorry I haven't paid for her yet. Just about everything that COULD go wrong, DID the last two weeks. I I will DEFINITELY be able to pay for by next Friday, if not before. Would you please wait? I really want her.
My reply:
I know the feeling. My dad died very unexpectedly last Friday. He was only 53...been dealing with that fallout. Been rough.
I just wanted to get my fees back from this transaction before ebay hits me with the invoice on the 30th.
I'd like to be able to wait longer for payment, but this doll has been tied up for a month now and just about every bill I have is due between the 28th and 30th of the month. Last month, when the other bidder didn't pay, I had to scramble to come up with the money for my electric bill and almost got kicked off my payment program I have with them. I live off of my ebay money and a part-time job, unfortunately.
Her (September 27 after the case had already closed):
It's me again. eBay released the money from my first sale, and I can pay for her. I know it's the last day, but can I please still pay for her?
Ebay closed the sale with you and refunded my fees so I cannot do anything about that right now, but If the 3rd bidder does not take her, which I don't think she will, I can set up a buy it now auction for you to buy the doll at the same price the other bidder would have been getting it for, which is $101, if that sounds reasonable to you, but I have to wait for the second chance offer to close up, that would be tomorrow afternoon, I do believe. Ebays rules are so stringent I was unable to sidestep them once the unpaid item case opened.
and then I add on September 28:
Third bidder refused the doll. She is still yours if you want her. Let me know and I can set up a buy it now for you if you decide to take her.No answer from her and so in the meantime I sell the stupid doll.
November 6th...and I also want to add that I had NEVER offered her that doll at $40. ALL the messages are right here. I did not leave out any.
I never saw her resisterd. Did you change your mind? I would so dearly love to have the chance to adopt her. Would you please, please her her up for a $40 bin like you said you would. I've keep dreaming she is mind. Please let me make it a reality.
Thank you,
Her, November 7th:
I hate to bother you, but I really would SO line to adopt this girl. Last we spoke, you were going to place her on a BIN at $40 for me and let me know as soon as she listed.
I keep watching and watching, but I have yet to see her. My birthday is Nov 19, and I would like nothing more than to bring her home for my birthday.
Would you please, please help me do this? You'd be fulfilling a 35-year-old's lifelong dream.
Thank you so much
The last time I sent you any message was at the end of September after waiting 2 weeks for payment, and I offered her to you again at $101 and put her up as a buy it now at that price right after I told you I would. You never answered me and someone else bought her right afterward.
The latest wackjobby sounding message gotten today:
I'm sorry that happened. I asked you to let me know when you put her up BIN. I never heard anything, nor saw anything despite literally looking morning, noon, and night for weeks. I thought maybe you were involved with family issues regarding the loss of your father and didn't want to make it any harder on you.
I am truly,,truly sorry we had this misunderstanding. I have looked for a kid like her since 1987 and have never seen one that spoke to me like she did. I'm absolutely heartbroken.
Absolutely heartbroken? Fuck you. Try having your dad put a shotgun in his fuckin' mouth, you nutjob. Now THAT will break your heart. GOD. It's fucking stuffed pantyhose with eyes painted on it! Piss off!
You bet I was busy with family issues, still am. I cried when I took some of his tools home, I cried when my daughter tattooed her wrist in his honor. Even though I didn't see him everyday, and maybe we didn't get along all the time, he still left a big empty hole in my heart. We bury him this Friday at the military cemetary he requested to be buried at with his favorite uncle.
Never heard anything? Bitch! I told you "tomorrow afternoon" on September 27th, on September 28 I said "Let me know" and you didn't get back to me so I listed her on the 29th. I am not your damned babysitter. That pantyhose faced bitch sold at $99 and you didn't buy her. Some other asshole bought her and immediately wanted half back because of a supposed "hole" on the back of the dolls head. If I ever see that fucking doll again I will set fire to the son-of-a-bitch.
I went to my site preferences and blocked her ass. But even though I checked the box that says "don't allow blocked bidders to contact me" she apparently still can. Thanks ebay. Thanks a bunch.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Pony Up Bitch. Your Seller Rating Is About to Tank
I read this lovely statement on the MLP board I belong to. Being an ebay seller, and knowing how damned nit-picky pony collectors are, I cringed on behalf of the hapless seller who probably cleaned the ponies before he/she sent them out not knowing that if you bag them afterward, condensation will happen because the insides probably weren't dry. The bird poop? God only knows, but I'd still have sucked it up after maybe e-mailing the seller to let him/her know they have a rampant pooper. Having 4 cats, I know that random shit happens when your back is turned on your pets...
That said, I think the buyer is being overly dramatic with her "health concerns". Give me a break? Are you not sitting in front of your computer/on your phone typing out your complaint?
Good. Then you're not dead. 32 G1 ponies for $40? Suck it up and start cleaning. Chuck them in some bleach to kill the "deadly" mold and then get a toothbrush and start scrubbing.
And as the for the ponies getting rusty and also staining from 2-5 days in a bag? No. That rust was probably already there, just looked more gross because it was also damp. It takes time to start staining.
I was a collector of these, an avid one. I am familiar with these types of scenarios. There's not much that can actually ruin a My Little Pony permanently outside of sharpie, haircuts, and hacking off body parts. Even rust can be dealt with. Of course several of the cheap-asses told her to ask for all back. You'd better believe if I was that seller ($40 for 32 G1, you betcha dupa I'd ask her to return them, lol, but then I know what they're really worth and would know not to bag them immediately after cleaning, plus my cats are not generally allowed near my merch)
The saga continues...this evening the buyer posted this:
Some replies:
That said, I think the buyer is being overly dramatic with her "health concerns". Give me a break? Are you not sitting in front of your computer/on your phone typing out your complaint?
Good. Then you're not dead. 32 G1 ponies for $40? Suck it up and start cleaning. Chuck them in some bleach to kill the "deadly" mold and then get a toothbrush and start scrubbing.
And as the for the ponies getting rusty and also staining from 2-5 days in a bag? No. That rust was probably already there, just looked more gross because it was also damp. It takes time to start staining.
I was a collector of these, an avid one. I am familiar with these types of scenarios. There's not much that can actually ruin a My Little Pony permanently outside of sharpie, haircuts, and hacking off body parts. Even rust can be dealt with. Of course several of the cheap-asses told her to ask for all back. You'd better believe if I was that seller ($40 for 32 G1, you betcha dupa I'd ask her to return them, lol, but then I know what they're really worth and would know not to bag them immediately after cleaning, plus my cats are not generally allowed near my merch)
"I have a question for G1 lot buyers.
I bought a lot of 32 babies for $40 (+ship) on eBay. The babies were dirty, a bit of til rust, but mostly salvageable and restorable - or just a spa to make it right. The seller made no claims to know a thing about ponies
When I got them, the were trapped in baggies with condensation 80% of them . What may have had light rust before is now double bad. Plus rust staining from the tails touching the bodies of others. Oh. My favorite part. Mold.
Speckled on nearly every one of them.
Some heavy (with green, too!).
Some light. Does black mold stain? I know it stains wall paint and fabric all too well.
Plus, mildew stink so bad it made me choke (asthma/odor sensitive).
Oh! Best part!!
There are a few doused with dried liquidy bird sh*t. Seriously. POOP.
I politely wrote to the seller requesting a partial refund, described my complaints, plus added pics to reinforce my claims.
He has offered me whatever amount I request (to a point, I would only assume). I have no clue what to ask for back!!
I want everything but shipping, the health hazard and the loss of quality is astounding! but, I think that is too severe a request.
Any ideas?"
The saga continues...this evening the buyer posted this:
"Update on poopy mold pony lot saga:
I wrote to him last night and asked for 3/4 ($30) in return.
He countered with 1/2 ($20)
As I've been reading, the buyer gets all the money back - shipping included! It feel cruel to do that...about 1/4 of them are still as I expected. This is what eBay says about Returns:
"If a buyer wants a refund for an item that didn't match the listing description:
We ask the buyer to ship the item back to you—with tracking information—within 5 business days.
Your refund to the buyer is the total purchase price plus the original shipping charge.
You're also required to pay for the return shipping charges and you can't charge a restocking fee. "
I feel like I am blackmailing him But these are affecting my asthma, they have lost a severe degree of quality, and ew. Poop."
Some replies:
- (OP): Well, I told him why I'd asked for 3/4 of the money...but I also told him I would return them, if he preferred. Really, he'd be out another $10+ on top of the $50 (bid + ship) return. It is in his best interest to give me the 3/4 ($30) return than have to give me $60!
- Not necessarily, he can relist and raise the price unless you open an item not as described case then you would be the one paying the return shipping not the seller
- yeah it blows. they would have been awesome if they did not look like moldy bread LOL
- (OP): ^^ it blows, yes it does
- (OP): He called my bluff and I lose (ponies). But at least I can take that $50 return and put it on my credit card. Now if you have asthma and they're that terrible, then WHY would you have even wanted to keep them at all?
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Fuckin Hello Kitty and Other Musings
I "sold" a purse we've had sitting around for years. I looked it up and saw that the last two had sold north of $500. I need ...
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