Sunday, January 25, 2015

Life Hostage

I think one of my biggest problems with ebay besides the one-sided feedback bullshit is the endless chances they give buyers to keep fucking you over.

They hold your stuff hostage, and they hold your money hostage.

Money and stuff being held hostage fuckover example: 
Negotiations with the German ass fell through. He filed the case on the 14th. We are at a stalemate. The money is held hostage by paypal, he holds the plates hostage. The only real loser is me. I am out the money, and out the merchandise.

If, in 19 more days, he hasn't sent back something they close the case, but God only knows who they'll give the money to. So until then, they are going to hold $204 hostage because this schmuck refuses to take a partial refund or send back the shit for a full one. He complained to me that it would cost him $50 to send them back. You'd think he'd say fuck it, send the plates back and at least get something out of it.

Dude, that's my policy! "Send back item within 14 days, buyer pays return shipping" He could save himself some money by just sending back the perfect two. I gave him the option. It's not my damned fault that he decided to buy plates made in Germany from the USA. It's the risk you take. I packed those sons-of-bitches in layers of bubble wrap surrounded by a shit ton of peanuts and reinforced on all edges with double-cardboard and charged him $10 less than I actually paid for shipping. Plus, I did not break them! Why the hell is this bullshit all laid on my doorstep?

Item being held hostage fuckover example:
This past week, I got a lovely 0 feedback deadbeat who hasn't paid yet...Unpaid item will get him tomorrow, but then they give the loser yet another 4 days to waste not paying before they close the case and let me sell the damned doll to someone else...probably at a loss. So this dick has the ability to waste 8 days of my time just by clicking his mouse.

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