Saturday, November 21, 2015

As Ebay Turns...

This week on ebay...I had several deadbeats, as usual.

One of the deadbeats waited until the unpaid item case had almost closed on him. His feedback indicated that he seems to mostly bid on sportscards and sports-related crap. He bought an antique clock from me for $200+, which was rather odd...this put me on high alert.

I wrapped it in 3 layers of bubble wrap, I had 4 inches of peanuts around each edge. I reinforced the box corners. I insured the fuck out of that thing. I also shelled out an extra $20 for priority mail (he chose parcel).

I mailed the thing and waited for the inevitable "something is wrong" BS.

Ebay never disappoints. My message:

I received the mantle clock today.
Upon opening, I noticed that one of the front lion's foot has broken off and I could not find the piece in the package or box.
Your auction picture showed both front feet to be intact.
The broken section I observed looked to be new.
Please advise.

I like the accusatory "Your auction picture showed both front feet to be intact" so that he can accuse me of item not as described or something. Sure, asshole. I removed one foot from the front of the clock before mailing it. Makes a lot of sense. If it was broken in transit, the piece should be IN THE FUCKING BOX. It was held in with 2 screws also, so if they were kicking that box around and managed to remove a foot, there should have been way more damage.

I told him that when mailed, the clock had 4 feet. Then I sent another message and I asked for a picture, and informed him that I don't issue refunds unless the item is returned. I haven't heard from him since. This was 2 days ago.  No message, no case, no pictures. I am sure he is at the drawing board thinking of a new way to get a discount as I write.

Second deadbeat was almost amusing...I am not sure if what was written was true, or just the lamest excuse someone has bothered to dream up in a long time...


Good evening
My name is ______ and I am the husband of _______. She has purchased an item from you a few days ago. She recently was physically hurt and had her belongings taken. We had to cancel all and are waiting for new cards to come in which should be sometime this week. We apologize for the delay this has never happened to her before and she is pretty shakenrd up. We will keep you informed and pay the statement as soon as we receive new cards for new account. Thank you

If I got mugged, the last thing I would worry about was an ebay bid I had made.  If I was conscious, I would type the fucking e-mail myself. But I am not a delicate flower. I do my own business no matter what...deaths, illnesses, no car, you name it. I didn't know how to respond, so I did not. I just let the case close and blocked her as I do with all non-payers/scammers/weirdos.

Third Weird/Annoying thing. Message on Etsy. This is about a $14.00 hat with $7.00 shipping.

would you take 12. with shipping ??

I reply:
 It depends on your zip code. If you are anywhere west of the Mississippi, then it would cost almost as much to send it as the hat cost.
She's in Colorado, but apparently holds out hope because she sent me her zip code. Shipping is $7-$10, depending on how much weight the box will add.  No thanks. I am not taking $2.00-$5.00 for a vintage, rather expensive french hat. I cringed at charging $14.00! I felt like answering her and telling her that it isn't ebay...No "Best Offer" thank you very much.

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