Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Deadbeat Buyer Time Again

It's that time again...$260 worth of sales...One buyer sent me this right after the auction:

hi...I won this and will make payment on Thursday morning when I get my pay check....thank you :

This was Sunday. Nice of you to let me know this before you bid, Miss Self-Entitled. Ugh.
EDIT 11/17/2015:
She made good on her promise to pay on Thursday.

Then my case-in-point about sellers being able to leave negatives. This asshole bid on two clocks...he has only 15 feedback, and this is his POSITIVE feedback from five sellers (because we cannot leave anything but):

 Buyer does not pay.
 Sellers beware! Does not pay or communicate.
 NON PAYING!! Do NOT do business with this buyer!
 Tried to contact buyer about payment after sale no response

EDIT 11/17/2015:
He now has 34 "positive" feedback, but 32 of them are exactly like the above mentioned. So he bids and pays here and there when he feels like it, and just ignores all the shitty feedback.

True to form, he paid for the less expensive clock, and left me hanging with the other one. I guess there goes 13 days of my life while I wait for him to not pay, wait for the unpaid item assistant process, and then wait another 5 days for the auction to end again. Thanks for wasting half a month, asshole. He's going straight to the block list.

3rd buyer bought another clock. She has 2 feedback, I haven't heard from her, and I do believe the unpaid item assistant will kick in tomorrow.
EDIT 11/17/2015: On the very last day before the UPI was about to close...she paid. It was delivered, and I haven't heard from her since.

For the love of God, people! If you don't intend on paying...PLEASE don't fucking bid!

EDIT 11/17/15:
So I got $160 out of the $260, albeit late. Something is better than nothing.

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