Thursday, September 6, 2018


The cheerleader board is outta control these past few days.

It's been fun to watch board member's actual real feelings about shithead buyers come out, then watch as one of the admins will quickly do damage control, removing the "offending" post before anyone sees it, with a verbal spanking to the offender that no one should "disparage trading partners".

One was clear feedback extortion, and for once, no admin had any type of spin they could put to it, to make it seem as if the buyer was just in his feelings - the guy was an asshole right there in bold black and white for the world to see. There was no sugarcoating it this time. LOL.

This was the other night.

This morning, there is another clear-as-day asshole buyer leaving a negative and accusing the seller of "dropshipping" and adding that he reported her for "fraud". The item was ordered just before the 3 day weekend and is apparently still enroute.

The seller - who didn't even know what dropshipping was, is panicked because she cannot pull up tracking right now and all the admin dipshits have for her is "Did you reach out to your buyer?"

My take on that is fuck the buyer. 

He has already carpet-bombed her feedback. If it were me, I'd be "reaching out" alright. I would make the return I would be demanding as painful as possible and call ebay to have that shit removed.

Her response to the buyer was:

"First of all, I have no idea what a "drop ship" means. I sent it out just like I do all my other items. I've never had any issues with them reaching their destination. I really don't appreciate the negative feedback you left as it is completely false statements."
She got verbally spanked by an admin calling her response "defensive". Someone is wrecking her feedback with lies! They basically told her she was doing nothing to "defuse" the situation. Then they told her to stick to the "facts" If indeed she does not know what dropshipping is, and is not a fraud, then her response was indeed, factual. Plus, what is there to defuse at this point? 

The fucker already did the damage. There is NOTHING to do now but somehow pull up tracking and wait. This fucker obviously is unpleasant to deal with. Why stress yourself out bending over backward for an asshole that is already off the rails? 

I wouldn't, and I am still a Top Rated seller. I am all for customer service if I did indeed screw up, however, if someone goes on the attack unwarranted, I WILL defend myself. This board just wants you to take it up the ass on a continual basis, and this mollycoddling is EXACTLY why these buyers are out of control.

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