Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Bitch Goes On

So crazy My Child doll buyer finally opened a return - 1 single day before the time frame to do so ran out. I believe she did this in order to be a bitch. This, of course, happened to be the same week that my mortgage, water and house insurance bill were due so I had to scramble and am still scrambling.

I find it amusing when I found her "healing business" page (some MLM oil shit) that she is all whippy hippy and zen and loves everyone - everyone except ebay sellers she wants to screw over, that is.

I stuck it to her though, I waited until the last possible second then dumped my paypal account so it forced an e-check so she has to wait up to 6 more days. Take that, bitch.

The reason I am so hostile is because she either lied and/or damaged the doll herself. The doll had no problems when sent. However, the doll had a slightly bobby head when I took it out of the box after she sent it back - until I took a small amount of initiative and jammed it down back into the socket it had been popped out of. My husband goes "I bet she pulled it out by the head." Seeing as the head had no movement when it was here, I'd say so too. Two seconds of pushing the head down could have saved a lot of trouble here. Idiot.

Ebay's new payments system is proving to be an epic nightmare for some, they cannot accept paypal. This is chasing away numerous buyers, and the cherry on top is that they cannot sell internationally. I know this applies to Global, but I am unsure if it also applies to all forms of international shipping. Glad I didn't get an e-mail to opt in, not like I would have anyway, having a large amount of distrust for way ebay runs things.

Of course, this has sparked some discussion on some boards I frequent, namely the cheerleader board. One person expressed concern and another advised her to read ecommercebytes, then a second person told her not to read ecommercebytes because "They are biased against ebay". 

All I have ever seen the writer there do is write ups with information given to her by ecommerce sellers. She reports things. She isn't biased. The comment section on that newsletter is biased, but rightfully so. They are ebay sellers and know what they like and what they don't and there's not been a whole lot of shit to like about ebay since 2008.

I find the paranoia on that cheerleader board to be more rampant. They always feel the need to quash any concerns that sellers might have. They cheerfully dole out refunds and kiss buyer ass.

I don't roll that way. We are individuals with smaller resources. We should not have to dole out of pocket to make some yahoo happy, sorry. Wal-Mart, Amazon and other large retailers - sure, fine, they can kiss buyer ass in the name of customer service, they have the money with which to do it!

We, however, wind up with our house insurance cancelled and get in jeopardy with our newly modified mortgage. *headdesk*

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