Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Got Me A Live One...

Gotta reel this baby Of course, because I am selling for a friend I have to have a live one. She emailed me 8 minutes before the auction ended, and asked to have 5 days for payment. John had told me to "work my magic" and working my magic includes a willingness to wait 5 days for a higher payment so I agree.

3 minutes AFTER she won the auction:
 Hi again :D
I would like to ask you if you could take a closer photo of the ear with the green, just to see it more clearly :)
Only if u can...
sorry to bother :)

UGH. You ALREADY WON the item! But I take several nighttime pics, which I hate because either you've got dim incandescent lighting, or you've got bright flash glare and what you're trying to picture never looks right. She seems happy with the results, okay.

Today when I check to see who had paid:
Hi, sorry to bother you again i wanted to make you a question.
Does the doll have her original top knot and the final knot?
WTF? I start typing "You already won this item, why are you asking questions about it now?" But quickly rethink it and type:
 "I am not the original owner, so I don't know for sure, but it looks original"
 There's always one nut in every bowl. This smacks of the Cabbage Patch nutjob I had a few months ago, I should have just never answered her. It's not worth the extra $3 in my opinion. I was just hoping she'd drive the bid up, and not win and I got burned for my strategy.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Still Truckin'

Until the next nutcase or 4 comes along.

Despite other peoples complaints about no traffic and no sales, I keep on trucking with the ebay sales. When one batch of crap runs out of steam, I change horses in mid-stream and change the merchandise for a bit. I don't stray far from my comfort zone, because when you do that, you fuck up, and buyers screw your ass over.

Today I had someone wanting to pay with a money order. If I didn't think the Gestapo was watching, I'd have taken them up on it, but like a good brownie, I informed them it was against policy and that I had to stay on the straight and narrow.

A friend of mine who runs a brick and mortar shop came across a shit ton of things he knew I dabbled in, and offered for me to take the items and list them and split the proceeds because he and his daughter don't have time to deal with them.

When a guy came in and sold him the stuff, I was there, and he could see me salivating and shitting bricks over some things that came in the lot. He gave them to me and said "work your magic" and I have. I put 3 hours in research, and an hour or two of photography, another hour and a half for the write ups.

He also made me take 3 rubbermaid containers of collector plates that he had previously called me in about and told me "same deal". Seeing as these aren't your run-of-the-mill Bradford Exchange crap, and I have a knowledge base because I used to collect them, I reluctantly agreed. Now they sit in the living room taking up a ton of real estate, but I've got enough bids on some of them, that 2 of the containers should be gone by the end of the week.

There are hardly any auctions going on this week because of the holidays, so I have very little of my own inventory to deal with. Works for me though...not having to waste gas, then time at an auction, and being out several hundred in cash flow for a week and just doing what I normally do if it were my stuff...a no brainer.

I did things my way and offered free shipping on some shit and will also cover the fees, so it will be more of a 40/60 split when all is said and done, but that's fine, all I have into it is time and packing supplies, so it's a more than fair deal for me...though it seems that when I sell someone elses shit, I tend to get the crazies, such as my MIL's plates that attracted a negative doling buyer and also a thief.  We'll see...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Stupid Is As Stupid Does, Sir

Today I got this message.

Hi, I just saw this doll and want to double check on her size. Is she only 8"??? Thanks in advance.

Title of listing:

Ideal Betsy Wetsy Doll 8"

Item description:

Vintage Ideal Betsy Wetsy doll. 1950s.

This one is 8" tall and has short wiry textured brown hair and blue sleep eyes.

Good shape overall.

Nope. Never said she was 8 inches tall...ever.

Jebus. Where do they farm these vegetables? How in Christ does someone this dumb even earn a paycheck to buy things? Somehow they were literate enough to fill out a job application in order to earn money in order to buy things, but in 4 sentences of reading they somehow missed that the fucking doll was 8" tall?

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Going Postal

Had a few issues with the P.O. lately. Twice now I have gotten packages with "postage due", but instead of being that buyer, I paid it and shut up about it. I am not going to bust someones balls over .20 and .85.

Yesterday though, I received back a parcel of paperwork that I sent my lawyer in regards to my out-of-control mortgage servicer. I sent it December 1. I mailed it at the counter. A worker looked it over, stamped it, and threw it in the pile. When it returned 9 days later (this was going only 11 miles away!) it had a large sticker saying it was "unmachinable" and undeliverable because of a clasp on back, and that .21 postage was due. Like I said...I mailed it via the counter postal worker! I did not just drop it in the mail. If something was wrong, why was it not noted and charged for then? Now my paperwork is 10 days late. I would have faxed it, but the cost of faxing is ridiculous these days. And can I just scan it and send it to the assistant via e-mail? Of course not. Ugh.

Today I had an auction end. I looked as I was about to send the invoice, and due to ebay's lovely glitch of page-jumping when you change something in the shipping stats, I must have accidentally hit the drop down bar at "flat rate envelope" and charged $5.75 shipping for a 2 pound item that is now going to Washington state.

Fuckin' A. I believe this is how some sellers get defects. When something like this happens and they miss it, they attempt to weasel out of paying the difference and try to get the buyer to cover it. Myself, I am going to eat the cost...Merry Christmas plushie buyer, due to my not double-checking things, you just got a bargain on shipping.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Broken Items Have More Value Than You Think

Being an auction regular, I often see people turn their nose up at an item that has a chip or a crack or tablecloths with holes in them. They assume it has no value because it's damaged.

I have bought a cracked Tiffany Spode jam jar at an auction, a chipped Sevres vase, and chipped and cracked Limoges pottery, I have bought tablecloths with stains and holes in them (by the way, many of these stains can be removed with boiling water and Oxi-clean as long as the item has no metallics on it).

The reason I buy these is that I get the item cheap in order to learn about it. By buying busted up items I get a hands-on learning experience about the workmanship, and feel of the item. You can ID fakes more efficiently if you've owned the real thing.

When you're done with the busted item, if it's not extremely rare (Sold the Tiffany jar for more than I paid, use the Sevres vase, plan on using the Limoges on my walls), you can use it for mosaics, or with fabrics...quilting, pillows.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pffft. Who needs it?

Today I quit both Former Ebay Sellers Groups. Now the Gestapo will not allow discussion of stealth accounts. That's enough for me. If I wanted to be told what to do...I'd log into my ebay account.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My Latest Ebay Hall of Shamer

I sold a thing. Thing went unpaid for 4 days. Unpaid item assistant opened case. Thing went unpaid for 4 more days...on the 4th day, right after the case closes I get this:

Hello, I am so sorry.
Actually. I am trying to pay for it now.
My ankle twisted and I am not able to move freely.
I am usually in a bed.
So sorry.
already canceled?
Ankle twisted? Bitch. Screw Yoo. Best Dumbest/Lamest excuse, ever.

I waddled down to the P.O. pregnant and got my shit out on time. I have gimped down there with my own ankle sprained. I got down there when my husband was laid up with GBS and partially paralyzed. I went down there with a stroller and a toddler with no working car. I went to the P.O. hours after a miscarriage and my grandfather dying (same day last year) and got my shit out on time. I managed to get my shit out on time with a fever and a bacterial infection more than once (it's recurring). I managed to get my shit out on time hours after my stepdad blew his brains out with a shotgun.

Your fucking ankle is no excuse when all you have to do to pay your fuckin' bill is type and click.

I wonder what the excuse is of the 0 feedback bidder who won something last night and still hasn't paid and the other asshole who bid on some Christmas crap that is about to have an Unpaid open up (tomorrow is the 4 day cutoff). Been getting at least one per batch lately. It's out of control, as ebay buyers usually are...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Flaming Poo-Pal

Come join us at OLA! Only $8 a month.

This quote is a reply to a post about ebay using geographical throttling and the argument for tortious interference being used. I do believe the lady in question left the group shortly thereafter...
I'm done here, you people really are so weird. I'm "warmed" via messages by a crazy guy that I'll be banned for asking why you don't use real terms for companies and instead use third grade name-calling techniques, and now I explain why eBay took out listing fees and changed their user agreement to try to stay ahead of court cases (I didn't even get into the arbitration clause) and instead of acknowledging the facts I'm scolded for discussing it. Good luck moving forward with your issues in such an unprofessional manner.
I agree with what she said about the name-calling. The poo-pal, and e-prey, etc names give the discussions a juvenile tone to them. I myself have used evilbay, because I was trying to stay shy of search engines that might find me, but I just revert to calling it what it is these days.

She also shortly beforehand pointed out that you're not being "ripped off" fees if you didn't pay them to begin with, which I agree with and have said before. It sucks that they are hiding listings and it's wrong but if they're not taking a fee, then I guess that's their right.

I am saddened that a place I chose to go to to get away from a Gestapo-like environment has become one. A few nutcases are chasing off perfectly sane and reasonable people that would be helping the cause, which is to nail ebay to a wall for unethical practices used towards their sellers.

Here's my beef with the group. A certain few people get together and flame the hell out of someone if you do any of the following:

You are not allowed to call people out on the juvenile name-calling.
You are not allowed to direct people in how to create a stealth account, even if they ask.
You are not allowed to point out that other sites have no traffic.
You cannot point out that if the listings are free, then you're not necessarily being robbed.
If someone whines that they got banned from ebay for "no reason", you're not allowed to question that their defect rate might not have been 100% pristine. They may not have the rose-smelling shit they're claiming to have.
If you still sell on ebay, and admit it, you get called names like "scumbag" by a certain asshole that blocked me. (he doesn't realize I have more than one account and I can still see his nutty rantings which are driving the sane people away).
Then you get the Jehovah's Witnesses of the board...aka OLA shoved up your candy ass whether you like it or not.

Now I joined the group because I did get banned for little-no reason. I hate the way ebay is run with the burning intensity of 1,000,000 suns, however, I still need it to take care of my family. My husband has been out of commission healthwise for 4 years now, my daughter has college, and my son is 5. They need a roof over their heads and heat and food. My $25-$50 a month on Etsy and Bonanza isn't going to cut it, and Facebook is a band-aid I use when I have a slow week.

My biggest beef with ebay is that they put all the power over my finances into the hands of a buyer that might be 3 sandwiches short of a picnic...much like the flamers of the group I belong to.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut...Sometimes You Don't

So this wackjob that I had to file a NPB case on over a doll back in September keeps repeatedly e-mailing me about said doll that she wanted so badly that she bailed out on paying for it. She "bid" September 12.

First message she sent after the unpaid case was opened on September 23:

I'm terribly sorry I haven't paid for her yet. Just about everything that COULD go wrong, DID the last two weeks. I I will DEFINITELY be able to pay for by next Friday, if not before. Would you please wait? I really want her.
My reply:
I know the feeling. My dad died very unexpectedly last Friday. He was only 53...been dealing with that fallout. Been rough.

I just wanted to get my fees back from this transaction before ebay hits me with the invoice on the 30th.

I'd like to be able to wait longer for payment, but this doll has been tied up for a month now and just about every bill I have is due between the 28th and 30th of the month. Last month, when the other bidder didn't pay, I had to scramble to come up with the money for my electric bill and almost got kicked off my payment program I have with them. I live off of my ebay money and a part-time job, unfortunately.
Her (September 27 after the case had already closed): 
It's me again. eBay released the money from my first sale, and I can pay for her. I know it's the last day, but can I please still pay for her?
 Ebay closed the sale with you and refunded my fees so I cannot do anything about that right now, but If the 3rd bidder does not take her, which I don't think she will, I can set up a buy it now auction for you to buy the doll at the same price the other bidder would have been getting it for, which is $101, if that sounds reasonable to you, but I have to wait for the second chance offer to close up, that would be tomorrow afternoon, I do believe. Ebays rules are so stringent I was unable to sidestep them once the unpaid item case opened.
and then I add on September 28:
 Third bidder refused the doll. She is still yours if you want her. Let me know and I can set up a buy it now for you if you decide to take her.
 No answer from her and so in the meantime I sell the stupid doll.
 November 6th...and I also want to add that I had NEVER offered her that doll at $40. ALL the messages are right here. I did not leave out any.
I never saw her resisterd. Did you change your mind? I would so dearly love to have the chance to adopt her. Would you please, please her her up for a $40 bin like you said you would. I've keep dreaming she is mind. Please let me make it a reality.
Thank you,
Her, November 7th: 
I hate to bother you, but I really would SO line to adopt this girl. Last we spoke, you were going to place her on a BIN at $40 for me and let me know as soon as she listed.
I keep watching and watching, but I have yet to see her. My birthday is Nov 19, and I would like nothing more than to bring her home for my birthday.
Would you please, please help me do this? You'd be fulfilling a 35-year-old's lifelong dream.
Thank you so much
The last time I sent you any message was at the end of September after waiting 2 weeks for payment, and I offered her to you again at $101 and put her up as a buy it now at that price right after I told you I would. You never answered me and someone else bought her right afterward.
The latest wackjobby sounding message gotten today: 
I'm sorry that happened. I asked you to let me know when you put her up BIN. I never heard anything, nor saw anything despite literally looking morning, noon, and night for weeks. I thought maybe you were involved with family issues regarding the loss of your father and didn't want to make it any harder on you.
I am truly,,truly sorry we had this misunderstanding. I have looked for a kid like her since 1987 and have never seen one that spoke to me like she did. I'm absolutely heartbroken.

Absolutely heartbroken? Fuck you. Try having your dad put a shotgun in his fuckin' mouth, you nutjob. Now THAT will break your heart. GOD. It's fucking stuffed pantyhose with eyes painted on it! Piss off!

You bet I was busy with family issues, still am. I cried when I took some of his tools home, I cried when my daughter tattooed her wrist in his honor. Even though I didn't see him everyday, and maybe we didn't get along all the time, he still left a big empty hole in my heart. We bury him this Friday at the military cemetary he requested to be buried at with his favorite uncle.

Never heard anything? Bitch! I told you "tomorrow afternoon" on September 27th, on September 28 I said "Let me know" and you didn't get back to me so I listed her on the 29th. I am not your damned babysitter. That pantyhose faced bitch sold at $99 and you didn't buy her. Some other asshole bought her and immediately wanted half back because of a supposed "hole" on the back of the dolls head. If I ever see that fucking doll again I will set fire to the son-of-a-bitch.

I went to my site preferences and blocked her ass. But even though I checked the box that says "don't allow blocked bidders to contact me" she apparently still can. Thanks ebay. Thanks a bunch.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Pony Up Bitch. Your Seller Rating Is About to Tank

I read this lovely statement on the MLP board I belong to. Being an ebay seller, and knowing how damned nit-picky pony collectors are, I cringed on behalf of the hapless seller who probably cleaned the ponies before he/she sent them out not knowing that if you bag them afterward, condensation will happen because the insides probably weren't dry. The bird poop? God only knows, but I'd still have sucked it up after maybe e-mailing the seller to let him/her know they have a rampant pooper. Having 4 cats, I know that random shit happens when your back is turned on your pets...

That said, I think the buyer is being overly dramatic with her "health concerns". Give me a break? Are you not sitting in front of your computer/on your phone typing out your complaint?
 Good. Then you're not dead. 32 G1 ponies for $40? Suck it up and start cleaning. Chuck them in some bleach to kill the "deadly" mold and then get a toothbrush and start scrubbing.

And as the for the ponies getting rusty and also staining from 2-5 days in a bag? No. That rust was probably already there, just looked more gross because it was also damp. It takes time to start staining.

I was a collector of these, an avid one. I am familiar with these types of scenarios. There's not much that can actually ruin a My Little Pony permanently outside of sharpie, haircuts, and hacking off body parts. Even rust can be dealt with. Of course several of the cheap-asses told her to ask for all back. You'd better believe if I was that seller ($40 for 32 G1, you betcha dupa I'd ask her to return them, lol, but then I know what they're really worth and would know not to bag them immediately after cleaning, plus my cats are not generally allowed near my merch)

"I have a question for G1 lot buyers.
I bought a lot of 32 babies for $40 (+ship) on eBay. The babies were dirty, a bit of til rust, but mostly salvageable and restorable - or just a spa to make it right. The seller made no claims to know a thing about ponies
When I got them, the were trapped in baggies with condensation 80% of them . What may have had light rust before is now double bad. Plus rust staining from the tails touching the bodies of others. Oh. My favorite part. Mold.
Speckled on nearly every one of them.
Some heavy (with green, too!).
Some light. Does black mold stain? I know it stains wall paint and fabric all too well.
Plus, mildew stink so bad it made me choke (asthma/odor sensitive).
Oh! Best part!!
There are a few doused with dried liquidy bird sh*t. Seriously. POOP.

I politely wrote to the seller requesting a partial refund, described my complaints, plus added pics to reinforce my claims.
He has offered me whatever amount I request (to a point, I would only assume). I have no clue what to ask for back!!
I want everything but shipping, the health hazard and the loss of quality is astounding! but, I think that is too severe a request.
Any ideas?"

The saga continues...this evening the buyer posted this:

"Update on poopy mold pony lot saga:
I wrote to him last night and asked for 3/4 ($30) in return.
He countered with 1/2 ($20)
As I've been reading, the buyer gets all the money back - shipping included! It feel cruel to do that...about 1/4 of them are still as I expected. This is what eBay says about Returns:
"If a buyer wants a refund for an item that didn't match the listing description:
We ask the buyer to ship the item back to you—with tracking information—within 5 business days.
Your refund to the buyer is the total purchase price plus the original shipping charge.
You're also required to pay for the return shipping charges and you can't charge a restocking fee. "

I feel like I am blackmailing him But these are affecting my asthma, they have lost a severe degree of quality, and ew. Poop."

Some replies:

  •  (OP): Well, I told him why I'd asked for 3/4 of the money...but I also told him I would return them, if he preferred. Really, he'd be out another $10+ on top of the $50 (bid + ship) return. It is in his best interest to give me the 3/4 ($30) return than have to give me $60!
  • Not necessarily, he can relist and raise the price unless you open an item not as described case then you would be the one paying the return shipping not the seller
  •  (OP): Okay - eBay says if the item is not as described - as mine was - the seller pays the return shipping - as well as refunds me both the item cost and the original shipping charges. "
  •  (OP): I just printed a 'no postage necessary' Priority label for the box. It breaks my heart to let them go...
    a tiny, stupid part of me wants to just keep them and shut up. *my babies!

  •  yeah it blows. they would have been awesome if they did not look like moldy bread LOL

  • (OP): ^^ it blows, yes it does
  • (OP): He called my bluff and I lose (ponies). But at least I can take that $50 return and put it on my credit card.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Now if you have asthma and they're that terrible, then WHY would you have even wanted to keep them at all? 

Monday, October 27, 2014

More Wackadoos

So the group I belong to has had some wackadoos taking over the board again.

One came right out of the gate swinging proclaiming that anybody still selling on ebay and posting the truth (I.E. that other sites don't have traffic) are "trolls" and "scumbags". This troll and scumbag posted in reply with some backup and he disappeared suddenly with all his posts. Apparently he blocked me. I am so sad. Two can play that game. I blocked him in return.
He now follows me on Etsy. Not creepy at all, lol.

Then yesterday, another guy went off the deep end because he consigned some shit at a brick and mortar auction house and was appalled that nice stuff was selling for cheap. Duh. How do you think some of us get our inventory and are able to sell it on ebay for such ridiculously low prices and still make profit to pay our bills? These people are usually consigning to get rid of shit, or someone has died and they need to liquidate the estate. Some buy Wally World pallets cheap and sell the contents, not giving a shit about price, because they got so much in bulk.

He then goes on about how sellers are getting screwed because shit is selling so cheap and sellers should start a union, and standardize prices etc etc.

Sorry dude. Not all sellers are the screwees, some are the screwers. What about when a toy company or fashion house puts out a Target exclusive and some predatory asshole seller buys up all that new shit and posts it on ebay or some other online venue at 3-10 times the price and then when it doesn't sell, returns it? Or buys up all the black Friday cheap shit (after assaulting a 5'0 poor woman who just wanted a 40 inch TV for a price she could afford - $200. I am talking about a 6'0 200+ pound man here, he shoved me with the TV, which I actually had my hands on first. I waited in line too, asshole!) and tries to sell it for more on ebay/craigslist, etc? You going to form a union to stop that too?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Attack of the Pony People

A couple of weeks ago I decided to get rid of excess pony. I logged onto a pony group and priced them at deep discounts because I hadn't bothered to clean them up and photograph them individually.

Since pony people and Cabbage Patch people are why I now have 2 defects, I refuse to sell them on ebay any longer. Most people on the board were happy to pay the price I asked and bought in bulk. A couple asked for trades, which I get, because people don't always have money lying around. I traded some unwanted 80's ponies for wanted 2000's Ponyville.

This one bitch whined about the $10 I wanted for a flutter with replacement wings, and asked if I wanted to trade. I peruse her list, and see that she has one of two ponies I want. We agree on a trade, then she waffles and decides she wants something else with the flutter. I offer up other shit, but she is uninterested. Now she's decided that she wants me to trade the flutter and now money too...she's been jerking me around for almost a month now...we started this negotiation on September 29th. I am, scratch that, I am fuckin' D.O.N.E.

That fuckin' pony she has will come up and I can probably get it for less than $15, I was asking $10 for the flutter on Etsy, which would also cost $2.50 to ship, so I'd be out $12.50 plus whatever money this chick wants. Nope. Relisting the flutter. The point was to make money, or get something I need/want, not spend money.

I don't understand how it can be hard for someone to figure out things like this.

You want pony x. I have pony x. You have pony y, I would like pony y. You trade me pony y for pony x, who gives a shit about value...we have what each other wants and it's ballpark same price range $10-$15. Here's my address, here's my address. Go to P.O., mail it. Done. Should take less than 48 hours. Not 26 FUCKIN' DAYS!

Then I have people who say "hold this for me" and then disappear like an Etsy buyer. I have had a perfume puff pony on hold for a couple weeks now. DONE. The fucker is going on Etsy...FULL PRICE.

Appendix 11/20/14...I did buy the pony in question on ebay for $15 MIB. Hers is loose. However, we did wind up agreeing to a trade and so now I've got two of the pony in question, lol.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pennymom for your thoughts

Bonanza sent me an e-mail wanting a penny for my thoughts on their $25 a month store bullcrap.

Trust me guys, you don't want to know my thoughts. I sell shit that basically sells itself and I cannot get a bite on your site even after greatly underpricing to get sales. Like hell I am going $25 in the hole every month. If I could get a refund of time wasted on my free listings on your site I'd do it, lol.

That said I have been kicking ass on Etsy and Facebook.

In the past week I sold about $25 in crap on ebay but $55 on Etsy and about $100 on Facebook. Also made $70 at the fleamarket last week in addition to my $50 part-time Friday night gig. What I like about Facebook is I take one group pic of the crap I want to sell. I say 1st row this price, 2nd row this price, etc. If people buy more than one, I cut them a small deal. The other day I was bored and had a half-hour before picking my son up from school. I made $30 in that half hour after posting a For Sale post. I wish I was bored more often, lol.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Ghost Buyer

Lately I've had disappearing buyers. All have been on Etsy. I feel like someone on Etsy should create milk cartons with pictures of MIA buyers on the sides of them and sell those.

These "buyers" contact me asking to edit shipping/reserve shit. I also have problems at times with idiots that  do "buy" and 10 minutes later, cancel the transaction.

One missing person was from Singapore, she asked me about a pair of (surprise!) ponies, which I reserved for her at her request after editing the shipping costs on the listings so she could have combined shipping at the correct cost for the two. A week later I still hadn't heard from her, so I took them off hold. Fuck it, and fuck her.

A few weeks ago I had someone ask me about lowering the price on a teddy bear I had on there, I lower the price and edit the shipping and the bitch disappears.

Today, I had someone ask about same teddy bear, and in addition, a doll. I ask her if she wants me to reserve and edit, "yes". I reserve them and edit the listings, and haven't heard from her we go again.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Shank a Bitch

Today I went to the fleamarket.

I got in a pissing match immediately. An older woman asked about a doll and grabbed it off the table. While she held the doll, she examined a baggie full of silverware thoroughly while she dangled a lit cigarette over some vintage crochet books and then asked to see a plate I had back near me. I hand her the plate and she hands me $2 for the plate and the doll, then she says she wants the other two plates and that she only owes me $1 because she "already paid for the doll" I show her the $2 and say you paid for the doll and that plate. She insists she only owes me a $1 so I just say fuck it and give her the fuckin' doll for free.

Later, I see that she has set up a table in the row directly behind us and stuck the free fuckin' doll on her table for sale. Bitch. I should have gone up to her table, grabbed the doll, and insisted that I already paid and brought it back to my fuckin' table.

The past few days I've been wheeling and dealing my stupid pony overflow. Most people are considerate and pay what I ask. A few asked for a trade, and that was fine, I have g1s and I like g3s and nobody else does, so I usually get what I want.

I work out a trade with this one bitch for a pony. She always takes two days to reply to any message so this has been ongoing for about a week. First she didn't want to pay the $10 I wanted, she wanted to trade. Okay. I peruse her trade bait and pick one, pony for pony, okay. Her pony is worth about what mine is. Now suddenly today she decides she wants ANOTHER pony because hers is "rare". Bitch, mine is a near-mint not that common g1, yours is a kinda sought after g3. I am about ready to shank-a-bitch.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

More Ebay Defect BS

Yesterday I checked my feedback. As usual I expanded to seller dashboard and checked my defect rate.

1 item "not as described" 1,2,3 star feedback left, .27% rate, it's been .27% for awhile and I was okay with it except for the fact that I only made $6 for that defect.

Tonight, I check again and suddenly see .55% defect rate and see a 1 next to "opened case for item not as described", I check the item number, and the person in question never opened a case against me. When I went to "see which transactions had defects" it was a doll that I sold in August, it listed the defect as a 1,2,3 star item as described, but the person left me feedback well over a month ago, and like I said, never opened a case. I don't think she left me a 1,2, or 3 star. I think ebay fucked up, or it's backdoor revenge for the $55 they refunded me via paypal when the bitch from Utah sent me back a busted doll...

I don't want to shine a flashlight on my account, so I won't call anyone about it, but it pisses me off that it would be listed as an opened case, when it is clear that a case was never opened.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I hate this doll. I am going to call it Annabelle after the creepy movie doll.

I hate it with the burning intensity of a million suns. I almost wish this last buyer would send it back so that I could set it on fire and never have to see or hear of it again!

The doll in question was sold the first time on August 30 for $142.The first bidder asked for a week to pay. I shut off unpaid and gave her the week. No payment. I send a second invoice and wait 24 hours and file NPB. Case closes with no payment.

I contact bidder #2. $140. Can I pay in a week? Here we go again. I shut off unpaid, give her a week. My stepdad kills himself that night. Week later, no payment. Second invoice, 48 hours. File NPB. Bidder contacts with lame excuse that she's had a rough couple of weeks. Fuck you.

I close case, offer to third bidder. $101. No response.

I relist doll at $100, one of previous bidders (not one of those three) buys it...contacts me today, doll apparently has hole in the back of the head (the irony of that, little does she know). Fuckin' UGHHHHH. $%#$^%%^&*HKJGJK! I hate this fucking doll! I HATE it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another Day, Another Deadbeat. Give Me A Break.


Yesterday, I had to open a non-paying bidder case against the second chance bidder on a doll I sold.

The first bidder asked me to wait a week for payment, then didn't pay and I had to file the first NPB case.  This made me scramble to pay off a quite large bill. Then I had to wait another 4 days for the case to end.

Case ends, get fees back, and offer to second bidder, "Can I pay next week?" Ugh. Okay.

Next week rolls around, no money. I send invoice, wait another 24 hours and file NPB. This morning she messages me and says "In the past two weeks, everything that could go wrong, did, can I pay next Friday?"

Last two weeks? Everything that could go wrong, did? Tell me about it. *eyeroll*

Somehow I doubt the man that raised her put a gun in his mouth and decided to end it all, but I said nothing to her about that. I just explained that my dad died unexpectedly at 53 and I have been dealing with that. Then I told her that I'd like to wait, because in a perfect world, I would not care, really, but all my bills are due between the 28th and 30th, the doll has been tied up for a month and I want my fees back.

I am fed up with these ebay bidders, but I hate the unlimited time formats on other sales sites. There is no urgency to buy within a certain time-frame and when you've got bills to pay, you need stuff to move quickly and so I am rather stuck with ebay to finance my major bills, which literally are due between the 28th and 30th. Granted the small steady sales all month from other sites do help, but when I need a major chunk of money in a certain time-frame, ebay is still my regretful go-to.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Traffic Coneheads

Gosh darn it, I want to thank the OLA cheerleaders for amusing me on almost a daily basis. Since my stepdad died, I have been looking for ways to forget, and they give me much blogger fodder... 

Guy that belongs to group:
Poll for the group... Does anyone have suggestions as to the best option to replace Paypal? We stand behind our products, even beyond our 30 day guarantee but 180 days isn't going to work for our business model. Anyone else?
OLA Cheerleader #1: (I find it annoying that she and I share a name)
You need a venue that YOU determine what you accept. allows you to choose what type payment you wish to accept. 
Did he ask about selling venues? No. He asked about payment options.

Quit pushing the site so hard. It doesn't help, it just comes off as cheesy and desperate.

How about instead of trying to get more sellers who are sitting there wasting $8 a month with their thumbs up their asses because there is no buyer traffic...find some buyer traffic.

Then there was a guy who posted an actually very useful article on "12 Common Listing Mistakes on Ebay" immediately people are all like "it's a mistake to list on ebay in the first place" and "thinking ebay cares is a mistake" etc.
Yes, assholes. We get that ebay is a sleazy, shitty place these days. However, you're just shooting the messenger. I read the tips, and they are helpful for all online listing sites. Not just ebay.

Quit jumping all over anyone who mentions ebay in a post, people. We have all been shit on by ebay at some point, it's why we're there. Quit with the censorship and bullying of those who still sell there.

Myself, I don't want to have to sell elsewhere, I rather Donohoe just fuckin' got kicked to the curb and things go back to the pre-Wall St. days. Feedback for both sides, customer service that works, search engine that actually finds what you want, 14 day buyer pays shipping returns and that's it. I know it's not going to happen, but hey, it's my fuckin' pipe dream. Let me have it.

Fixed price unlimited time listings suck. The reason they suck is there's no urgency. On ebay you have a set time limit...this shit's over with in three, five, seven, ten days, you miss out if you don't bid.

On Bonanza and Etsy, it's "Eh, it's here for months, years. I can wait til next week, month to buy it" Therefore you get sporadic sales. I need set time limits because I get bills every month that I need dealt with. I cannot wait for that one $10 sale every other month. I need them NOW.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Advertising Exec

Today somebody adds me to their "treasury" on Etsy.

Accompanying this add is a snotty-sounding message instructing me to "pay it forward", go to this link and do xxx ooo.

Pay what forward, pray tell?  People who saw my shit on your treasury will add it to favorites and still not buy it, and you want me to blow a half hour I could be using to make money for real setting up a fuckin' treasury to pay some unsolicited favoriting forward?


Then someone shares an OLA related blog on the board. This blog kind of cracked me up. OLA is great, rah rah sis boom bah...but this quote is especially funny:
I have been setting up and selling here for just over a month. The only con I have found as of yet is buyer traffic
That's the biggest con of all! You need traffic to make sales.

Then they go on with this drivel:
 Also, much depends upon you to advertise yourself. Social media and correctly done SEO play a vital part in this. If you're not willing to put forth time and effort into doing that, then you will never succeed in selling here, nor on any other small ecommerce platform, not even on your own website. Only the top dog will do it for you and it comes with a hefty price.

So why not try selling here? Seriously? What do you have to lose? $8 a month. You're likely paying more than that for a single space any day at a flea market, antique booth, craft show, etc.
Yes. I pay $30 for a space at a fleamarket, however, I actually sell shit there because there's traffic. $8 a month is 16 Cumby's Chug Jug refills. What do I have to lose? $8 more a month, that's what. Plus I don't like the "advertise yourself" BS, as I've previously stated in other blog posts.

If I am paying your ass to be on your site, you do the advertising, not me. I spend enough time hunting down the merchandise, cleaning it, repairing it, photographing it, and writing up descriptions. Then I spend more time gathering packing materials and then packing the shit for shipment afterward. I also have a part-time job and a young child. I don't have time to be "advertising myself".

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Second Chance Deadbeat 2 Electric Boogaloo

So now my second chance bidder has ducked and covered and not paid for the merch after asking me to wait a week. So I am still out fees on $140 and the $140...

Today I got the stupid doll the bitch in Utah ambiguously e-mailed me about twice before she opened a paypal case on me.

In the second message she sent she said the doll had a "chip on the thumb" That fucker has NO SUCH damage. Only the busted leg that either she broke beforehand, or broke while it bounced around in that box for several days with only one sheet of bubble wrap and no padding.

Charley taped me opening the thing, and also while I pulled out only the doll, with previously mentioned  smashed leg. With the doll, I had sent an extra leg and two vintage dresses, and they were not in the box she sent me. I immediately got on the horn with paypal and complained about it, sent a pic, and threatened to send the video.

They refunded her and me. Fuck that! Why the hell should that dumb bitch get a refund after keeping half the lot and busting what she sent me?  I don't care if I did get my money back. That bitch is in for some heavy spam revenge, dating site ads, magazines she doesn't want, and copious complaining using her real name on several boards. Fucking bitch.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Pegasisters And Other Bothers...

Tomorrow I should receive the stupid doll that the dumb bitch in Utah is so concerned about. It had better be the one I sent, because I will set off a spam bomb like you would not believe. Then she might decide to give BJs in back alleys on craigslist and subscribe to a hundred magazines or so...I plan on taping the opening of said package for further proof to use against her in her paypal claim so if it isn't the right one, I will have videoed proof.

That said, I have yet another fickle, annoying pony buyer. I want to slap her face off for being a manipulative idiot.

I advertise ponies for sale. One person contacts me with a list, I tell her they are available, she pays, I sent them. The other idiot...can I have a couple of days? Okay. Sure.

Hi there!

The money was finally transferred, so I sent it. I can't wait to see her! :)

 I never got any notification that I got paid, so I know she hasn't sent it. So I don't send it.

Today I get:
Hello there! ^^

I emailed you the other day about the pony and I didn't get a response. I did say in the email that I sent the money, but after I sent it I decided not to because I wanted your confirmation on it. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. 
Anyway, speaking of confirmation, would it be okay if I sent the money? I just want to make sure you're ready for it and all that. I'm excited to to see her and I hope to hear from you soon. :3
I respond with "Well, had you sent the money, I would have e-mailed you with the tracking number. When you said you sent me a payment and didn't, I felt like I was being fucked with to be honest" I did not say it like that, but the implication was there.

I am not into long, drawn out conversations about shit. We agree on price. You send money. I send item, with tracking, and send you the number. Done. How fuckin' hard is that? Now I have had that pony...which has had a LOT of interest in it BTW, on hold for a week and for what? Because I didn't reply to your bullshit e-mail? You said you paid and you DIDN'T, what more was there for me to say? Ugh.

Update: She paid and the thing will get mailed on Monday. I feel so angry right now because of my stepdad that I am glad I am not doing many more transactions, I tend to lash out quickly lately...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

You're going to wish you'd never met me...

Yesterday my stepdad committed suicide. He did the Kurt Cobain thing. My distraught mother came over to my house and told me she walked in on something, she was not sure what, and then called the cops and went back home. When I got to her house, the cops were putting police tape everywhere, and a neighbor lady was hugging my mom. I had to inform my daughter that her beloved "Bumpa" was gone and how. And then had to watch as two idiot teenagers videotaped the whole coroner van/gurney thing with their iPhones.

On top of all this loveliness, my asshole doll buyer of of ambiguous messages and who received said item on August 8th decided to file a paypal case against me.

That fucking bitch picked the wrong time and the wrong person to mess with.

Bitch. You don't mess with a very upset person who knows your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address is all I have to say. My revenge will have EPIC proportions. I am going to take your fuckin' bullshit for as long as paypal says I have to, and then I am going to exact my very own "seller protection". You will not get this freebie unscathed, believe me.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Sunday Sunday

So...Miss "Can I pay you next Saturday?" has indeed NOT paid on next Saturday. NPB filed today. Sick of dicking around. I had to scrape up $150+ from somewhere else to pay my electric bill while waiting on her slow ass. Next line of business is second chance offers to the first two other bidders and then another relisting. I hate how one irresponsible person can take up so much of your time and energy.

In a perfect world you should be able to select a time limit of how long you're willing to wait for payment and if a buyer exceeds it, you should be automatically entitled to relist with no repercussions. You had your chance, too bad. It's another way that ebay caters to buyers.

This doll has been tied up for 10 days now. 3 day listing. 7 day wait for payment, now the 3 day case wait to see if the bitch will actually pay, then 24 more hours to see if second chance bidder wants it, 24 more if I send the second bidder 15 days in all, 18 if I have to relist. Almost a month in limbo because one person decided to be an idiot.

Instead of "Report a Buyer" can we have the "Shank a Bitch" feature?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Second Chance Deadbeat

Lady who wanted to pay me this Saturday after bidding a sky-high price for a doll still hasn't paid...these buyers don't realize that some sellers actually LIVE off of this money. I scraped up enough to pay my electric bill after selling several other things and working the snack bar.

She's tied up this item for over a week, and if I have to file a non-paying bidder case on her, it will be tied up for 4 MORE days while ebay farts around waiting for her to pay...not to mention I will be getting hit with the fees until it's resolved with nothing to show for it. 

Second chance offer is a joke too. The first bidder will leave you a negative if you sell it to the second one. I got left a negative for an item I sold a few years back because of  "second chance". 

I waited around for a week for payment, sent two invoices, and the guy never responded.  Finally, I sent the second chance offer and sold it to the second bidder and he came back and paid the day after I shipped it and got pissed and left me a negative when I told him I had already sold it and refunded him.

Not to mention now with this thing it's been over a week, and the other bidders have had a chance to cool off and experience ebays many glorious glitches and will be gun-shy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Battle Time

So today I log into my ebay. The same bitch who contacted me about a doll about 3 weeks ago has contacted me again...with a contradictory complaint conveniently 2 days before "buyer protection" is about to run out.

She has "private feedback" meaning she has probably done this before and people tried to warn others. I reported her ass to ebay.

First time she contacts me on August 14:
There are no markings and this isn't a German doll ...what do I do?

My reply:
Are you talking about the doll I sent you? It was marked Germany clearly on the back of the head, but If you wish to return it, then I will refund you fully with whatever you pay for return shipping included upon receipt of it. Please let me know.

Today's message:
 I'm very easy going, but there is a small chip on her right thumb finger and her teeth aren't real, like a real German doll, usually you can see the teeth on this doll there is just a white flat bar there. I want be very fair, but I'm not sure if this doll is an antique or is it a reproduction? I just want to be fair and be treated fairly..

I don't think this is real. Without the real teeth but i don't know for sure what do, do you have any ideas.
My reply:
 You contacted me before and I told you then if you return the doll that I sent you, I will refund you in full upon receipt of the doll.
I made sure I clearly said "doll I sent you" because if it isn't...she'll be in hot water because I will push this to the brink. I've already reported her, and blocked her from future purchases from me.

Research is my forte. Her name is unusual so she was really easy to track down. She's 55. She got in some hot water for calling people posing as a bank rep, and appears to hop from profession to profession. She also dabbles in Barbies. She's gone through about 8 user IDs on ebay and also has an Etsy shop. She lives in Utah, which I knew anyway because that's where I sent the item. She sells on ebay too, which would be a prime reason for me to make that second account I've been dying to set up. Public Library here I come! I can NBP her ass for shits n giggles or buy something and give her the "buyer protection" torpedo she needs to get banned. Try to scam me, bitch. Just try it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Slim Pickins

Today we went on a pick with a guy we know from the auction house. It is a condemned house that is due to be torn down in several days. It was the most smelly, moldy, dirty, horrible place I've been. It was disgusting. Now I know how the houses on the show "Hoarders" must smell and look. Piles of moldy crap everywhere. The roof leaked, the plumbing leaked, there was no electricity and it was nearly 90 degrees out and HUMID AS FUCK.

You'd dig, and every once in awhile something that looked like it must have been owned by a human once would pop out of a pile. I crawled over plastic grocery bags full of old, rotting trash to dig through the kitchen cabinets and scraped up a large pile of Visions cookware, a teapot with a forget-me-not motif, a mod ashtray, and a Pyrex Butterprint bowl. I sang "Booty Wurk" to myself the entire

Upstairs, I dug under overturned bureau drawers and an old mattress to find some old purses and a 1940's sheer's badly stained and might not be salvageable, but I'll boil it in some oxi. Same room also got a vintage hawaiian shirt and an old polyester pink gingham "Annette Funicello" type bikini top, as well as a wicker purse marked "Hawaii". In another room, Charley unearthed an old doll, and I found a weird kitschy old skirt and a tablecloth. Downstairs there was a tattered piece of barkcloth tossed over an old sewing machine and then piled up with old moldy magazines. I chopped the bastard apart in order to remove it, but parts of it will be able to be used in some sort of project. I was not going to leave it behind. I crawled across a grody pile of wet paper insulation to dig through a closet where I found two tooled leather belts in good shape.

There was so much crap around each piece of furniture that you could not remove it even if you wanted to, which was a shame, because there was a hoosier cabinet, 2 formica and chrome tables with at least 6 matching aqua chairs (they actually were in good shape, but I cannot imagine how long it will take for the mold smell to dissipate), 2 beautiful delicate wrought iron beds, a suite of waterfall furniture (bed was shot, rest look salvageable), and an art deco Lane cedar chest. If it had been my own pick...I'd have gotten me some thick rubber gloves and started chucking the small in-the-way shit out the back windows so the town would not see, and dragged that damned furniture out!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dear National Grid

Dear National Grid,
Is it okay if I pay you next Monday after next even though the bill is due this Tuesday? Just because.

I just sold something. It went pretty high. Higher than expected, really. But I am thinking I would have almost preferred one of the lower bidders got it at half the price and at least paid right away because I just got this message:

Hello, I am so thrilled to win this Beautiful doll!!
I need to ask if will be ok to pay this coming up Saturday?
Thank you,

Gah. Why did you not ask this question before you bid? I timed these auctions to end today specifically because my electric bill is due in a few days and I am on a fixed payment plan in an arrears management program because last winter kicked me in the ass!

I told her fine and shut off unpaid item assistant. At least she had the decency to contact me and not leave me hanging all week, but gaujkshfksaklsls and &^%#@%^*.


About a year ago I experienced a big problem with a package I accidentally shipped out after ebay directed me to "print shipping label" when the bitch who bought the plates had not paid in the first place. I wrote a blog about it last year.

What I didn't know and wish I had back then is there is a handy feature on the USPS website called "package intercept". I could have stopped that friggen thing had I known about it, and the non-paying bitch who "bought" the plates would not have wound up as a blocked thief, only a deadbeat bidder. The link to the package intercept is this:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Learning to Read
I just read the above article, in which a seller complains about a costly side effect of FedEx labels. If you're able to read, then when printing the label, you can check the box that says "this is a residential address"  under the buyer's name and address before you print and you'll be charged the correct amount right when you print it out.

I don't drink any eBay kool-aid. I am not on their side. It's run by a bunch of silver spoon, suit and tie, borderline evil people. Their software is run by some baboons and chimps with iPhone5s, lol.  All their CS reps are Peggys in far east countries reading scripts. I know who I am dealing with. The light is on but nobody's home except when a small seller "fucks up" then the MC999 party's over. But be real. There's no conspiracy here in this particular case. Be smart. Read about things before you spend money on them.

I still use FedEx as an option on very large or heavy packages because even with the extra "residential address" charge, it's cheaper than the USPS for my stuff going to the west coast. Though I recently read that they are charging for "dimensional weight" which may change that.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Lazy Asses

This guy in my group had one sale...count it, ONE on Bonanza. And now he's the self-appointed all-time expert of branching out to different sites. He goes on and on about it, and if anyone questions it, they're labelled as "negative". 

I am not negative, I am realistic. I have sold maybe 10 things on Bonanza in the course of a year and a half. Etsy has been better, but it's not enough to support 4 people. Charley has an ecrater account for about 6 months and no sales, and he plugs his shit on social media constantly. He spends an hour or two a day pushing his Bonanza booth and his ecrater shop. It doesn't help. Hence my and his still selling on the evilbay, part-time jobs, and returning of cans, and therefore my questioning of the viability of other sales sites.

Group guy's all like "My sales will take off because I am not going to stay on ebay and hope it works out" etc. He then goes on about teaching yourself marketing and advertising. 

That's all well and good, but this is my problem with other sites. I should not have to do promotion and advertising, that's why I am paying them fuckin' fees! 

Charley does his own marketing and advertising and it does no good! He's no slouch either. He used to be webmaster of several "adult" sites. He knows how to drive traffic, believe me.

When I started Bonanza and Etsy, I did the self-promotion thing. I did it for months. If people want what you're selling, they'll find it and if the price is right, they'll buy. I should not have to annoy people with "Hey! You want a dolly like this one?" Nah. Didn't think so.

I got one $5 sale out of my "marketing and advertising". Most people were annoyed by the tweeting and re-tweeting of sales crap. Myself, when I was on Twitter, which was not often because I find it mind-numbing, I found myself getting annoyed by other people pushing their wares. It felt desperate to me.

Group guy then goes on and accuses others of watching too much TV instead of marketing their shit. 

Nope. I don't market my shit anymore. It did nothing but waste my time. I find shit that will sell in the first place. I watch maybe a half-hour of TV after I put my son to bed, around 11:30 at night. 

Today we got up, got dressed, drove to a place a half hour away to empty out some guys shed/garage and loaded a trailer headed for the auction house we work at. WE were there all day. I don't have time most days to fart around on Twitter or other social media sites plugging shit. When we went home, we checked our listings and did some research. I cooked supper, and did more research. 

Maybe he has all goddamned day to do the work that the sales sites should be doing for him, but a lot of us don't.

This guy posts repeatedly, almost annoyingly so. If anyone else has a diverging opinion, he runs them over like a California food truck headed for the beach. It's getting so that a lot of us don't bother posting anymore because we know he'll jump on and start spewing BS. 

Then there's the OLA cheerleader chick: "It's a great place to sell, but I don't know what sells there". If you're going to push a site, know something about what sells. These two have taken over almost every discussion on the board. I am all for being vocal, but live and let live. Other people have different circumstances than you do, their opinions, the merchandise they sell, and what they will try with sales will be different. Don't judge them for still selling on ebay.

I got in a pissing match with Group guy last week because I pointed out that the other selling sites don't have traffic. He immediately posts the the "Seller's Choice 2014" list with ratings of all the different sites and uses that as his argument that other sites have traffic. 

The list says Bonanza is the "best" one, but when you look closer there are 6 criteria that people are using to rate the sites. One was profitability. The ONLY one that matters. Ebay rated first. Bonanza's profitability was rated 6th behind Ebay, Etsy, Craigslist, Rubylane, and Amazon. Who gives a crap how easy a site is to use if it doesn't make you any money? 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Wall of Shame

My wall of shame has a new addition this morning. These dolls normally sell for $35-$300. This clown this morning sends me this message. The thing now has a bid, so I don't even have to entertain their crappy cheap-ass "offer". My opening bid was a reasonable to begin with $30.

Would you take $15 for the doll?

8/22/14 10:09 AM: The person who actually won the doll hasn't paid 2 days later and I am going on vacation til Tuesday on Sunday. I hope for her sake she pays within the next 24 hours or she'll be waiting a long time for that thing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cold War

In the past week I sold two older dolls. I giggled a little to myself because one buyer was registered in Ukraine and the other, the Russian Federation. Charley made a comment "Now they're fighting over dolls".

Sorry to my Lithuanian grandmother that I sold goods to a Russian, and sorry to myself that I sent something to Pittsburgh (I am a die-hard Baltimore Ravens fan, if you know football, you know why Pittsburgh would be bad), but he's quiet. He leaves me alone!

The Ukrainian guy is driving me nuts. He has 0 feedback and is paranoid about every little thing. Make sure doll packed good, when is doll being mailed?, did you mail doll? Is birthday gift, please pack carefully.


He's the "kid gloves" type of person that the CS rep warned me about a few years back. I insured the fuck out of that thing. I don't normally go above and beyond the normal $50 included with priority, but this guy is driving me batty.

Like an idiot, I forgot to add the insurance number for tracking last night when I got home, so it showed as not being shipped, and the guy messaged me again about it. Did you send doll? #%^^%&*=-!

I am sure I will be updating once the damned thing arrives.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Stupid Week Continues

I have A Sasha doll for sale. The description says:
Tightly strung with brown cording on neck and legs and white on arms.

Only flaws I could find with her is some thinning of hair on the crown (pictured), and a couple of brown specks on her dress under an arm (pictured). Seems to have only been displayed.
Question from idiot potential buyer:
 Hi, does she have white strings in her arms and brown strings in her legs? Is her hair loose or any missing plugs.Thank you.

Was this not mentioned in my description? The preamble to the mentioning of these things is only 2 lines, meaning this genius had only 6 lines to read, but somehow managed to miss those two. Great. Brilliant.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Another Day Another Scammer...

Dear ----------,

There are no markings and this isn't a German doll ...what do I do?

This question was posed to me today, 6 days after the doll that was clearly marked with a number and "Germany" on the back of its head was delivered. I check the bitch's feedback and it's "private". Nope. Nothing suspicious about that.

My textually calm reply (while blood pressure rose and eyes bugged out):
Dear -----------------,

Are you talking about the doll I sent you? It was marked with a number and Germany clearly on the back of the head, but If you wish to return it, then I will refund you fully with whatever you pay for return shipping included upon receipt of it. Please let me know.

Ugh. I feel like she'll probably return something that ISN'T the doll I sent her judging by her hidden feedback. If you're a buyer, and all people can leave are positives, then you're hiding warnings others have left via feedback, or the feedback you left for others so that sellers cannot block you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Defective Pony Buyer

Wondered why my "defect rate" was still showing as 1 defect a month after it should have showed 0.

Today I found out why because I decided to run a report.

With no communication, and never indicating anything wrong with the transaction, a fucking My Little Pony buyer left me a positive, but a low rating on "item as described" last month. A soft-positive. Guess who's getting blocked? That's right. Why even leave a positive feedback at all if you're going to be a douche with the DSRs?

Another odd thing is, when I run the full report it shows my defect rate tanking in April, but no low rating was given that month. One can only hope that the "defect" will drop off in April instead of fucking July. The pony transaction happened in July. I think they have a bunch of chimps running their defect software for them.

Another reason not to sell shit under $10. I broke my own rule and paid the price...1 ding for a year, for $6.49. It's always the cheap-asses who pay less than $10 for something that leave you bad feedback or complain. People buying higher end shit are generally more tolerant and mentally stable.

Fuckin Hello Kitty and Other Musings

 I "sold" a purse we've had sitting around for years. I looked it up and saw that the last two had sold north of $500. I need ...