Saturday, February 8, 2014

Respect My Authorit-TY

I got this quote from a facebook group that I am a member of.

 You know what, I'm not leaving feedback anymore - not unless they leave it first. I was complying with eBay all the way but now, I'm done with giving everything to the buyer.

You know, I've been kicked around by ebay a little more than most folks, and when I have beef with them I sure spout it off, and yes, there are 10 morons for every one stellar buyer.

BUT...The buyer is NOT your enemy. Ebay's policies are the enemy! They are exactly why you view buyers as enemies. These enemies are paying your bills! They only become enemies to me when they make unreasonable demands, make feedback threats, or repeatedly message me trying to bend me to their will. If something was missed in a listing and I know for sure it was me, I fix it. I don't wage an epic war, I eat it and move on. If it wasn't and I can prove it, then I wage war.

Unless they start shit with you, why would you not leave feedback for a person who paid you quickly and didn't harass you with stupidity? When I get someone who seems nitpicky and asks too many questions or sends me full instructions on how to pack shit, only then do I reserve it and if they piss me off, I don't leave any.

FYI: If you leave a "veiled negative" IE report exactly what happened, ebay WILL remove it and ban your ass.

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