Thursday, February 13, 2014

Time To Get Crackin' When Someone's Hackin'

I got this priceless gem in my ebay messages, right after I filed my 7th and 8th NPB in the space of two weeks:

Dear S______,
I didn't put a bid on this item as i was very sick at this time. I would have put it automatically on my pay pal account at the time of purchase, if I had bought it . I am very sorry for your inconvenience, but it is not even in a color that I would use. Please accept my sincere apology for this confusing matter.

Oh yes. It's confusing all right! Confusing as to why you'd even use such a lame-duck excuse. Actually, it's not confusing at all. It's pretty clear that you bid and decided not to pay. Please take this NPB strike with my best wishes 

<3 Sam 

So lame. WHY would someone hack your account to bid $11 on a purse? And I love the "it is not even a color I would use" I am supposed to close the case because this message was ever so convincing and take the final value fee hit now, right? Screw you lady.

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