Monday, March 3, 2014


Ebay has been likened by some to the Gestapo, which since they are a militant police force on your account, they somewhat are. To me they are Bolsheviks.

Ebay for me is Russia.

When I was a kid, my Lithuanian grandmother used to be paranoid about the Soviet Union. Really paranoid. We'd be driving down Route 2, and, seeing the radio towers up on the hill above the highway, she would say to me "Those are the Russian spy towers"  and she would carry on for some minutes about how careful you have to be. Russian spies are everywhere. I would laugh and think to myself how paranoid she was.

This is me with ebay. I am paraNOID. As my mother-in-law would say, "I ain't lyin'"

I check the IP addresses on the computers frequently. I delete all e-mails from my former ebay and paypal account from my inbox without reading them. I don't give out my user ID to anyone. I don't mention precise descriptions of items I am selling, or names that I deal with on this last account because I don't want someone nosing around and making a connection of this account with the other two.

I refuse to call CS for anything, ever! They'll dig while you're on hold. I don't think this. I know it. The last time I was banned, all I called for was a raise on my seller limits. They left me on hold for an hour and a half, I kid you not. I am assuming that they were digging in that time, because when the guy got back on the line, he told me I was suspended, and immediately pulled 42 auctions I had just listed. No passing Go. No collecting $200. I had just attained a Top-Rated Seller status the week before. 14 years of service and me handing them money every month. See ya, bye! Too bad for you. Have fun paying for that bankruptcy we helped cause!

When I do have to use my old accounts or check on something to do with them, I borrow a laptop and steal someone else's wi-fi to do it. I utilize Google's call forwarding rather than give out my real phone #. There are many steps, many hoops I jump through to avoid ebay Bolsheviks.

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