Ebay has a ratings system. It is the "Detailed Seller Rating" or "Detailed Star Rating" or DSR.
In any case, what you should know as a buyer is that the stupid flippant complaint you have about that $5 item you just bought has farther reaching consequences than you think. But oh yay! - You got to vent about your cheap used item you weren't completely happy with.
Sellers are now allowed two 1 or 2 star ratings before ebay can swoop down and ban them. And if said seller is using ebay as a way of supporting a family, congratulations, you just possibly caused a bankruptcy, foreclosure, eviction, and raised everyones taxes, including your own when said family then has to apply for every form of assistance under the sun to survive because they no longer have income and are scrambling to right the ship.
There's a reason that ebay's CSRs are schooled in suicide prevention these days.
The "$2.29 to ship a box across the country" bitch left me a neutral and it got my account banned. This escalated my financial problems and caused me to change my Chapter 7 to a Chapter 13, which now costs me $300 a month.
She had no idea that the $20 box of used Polly Pocket crap she bought would have such far-reaching consequences for my family because ebay encourages that behavior by pushing their "buyer protection" BS and not allowing sellers to leave feedback about idiots such as her. Had I been warned, I'd have cancelled her bid and blocked her.
For the love of God, please, if you have a complaint about an item, contact the seller before you click on anything pertaining to ratings, feedback, or cases. If the seller is an unreasonable douche, please, by all means leave them appropriate ratings, but I can tell you that, given the chance, most sellers will work with you.
When asking a question, don't click anything other than "other" or you may inadvertently open a case and ruin the seller's rating.
Ebay is the instigator here, don't get me wrong. But a buyer not being an ignoramus can go a long way toward keeping sellers safe until ebay reformats their rules and regulations.
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