Thursday, April 24, 2014

Uh Huh

This seller took this picture of a pony lot (this is the only picture, and it has no magnifying glass function). He/she is asking $38 for this bag of shit, and you know some asshole buyer will take a chance on the unknown and then be pissed off when there's no super rare one sitting at the bottom of the lot, will complain, making up something such as "these smelled funny"  and will probably get the pile for free. But it's the sellers fault too for not showing every piece in the lot individually somehow, to stave off chance-taking idiots.

I have been that chance-taking idiot, but I didn't expect the seller to refund me for my stupidity if I didn't get what I wanted, which was rare. I am old-school ebay, you know, from the time back when eBay was like reading a classified ad, you had to go by the description, because the only pics were scans, and that was if you were lucky.

Then there's the seller that take pics with their iPhone, almost always blurry and the lighting sucks. The item will most likely be returned because it looked "different" than in the picture. IMO the buyer is stupid to even bid on anything that doesn't have a clear pic, or a stellar description that makes up for the shitty pics. If you're sitting in the courthouse waiting to be picked for jury duty and decide to shop on ebay using a postage stamp sized pic as your only reference, then you deserve the bag of shit you just bought IMO.
Another guy was using a template for his pony lot, and while he had lots of pictures of many angles, they were halfway down the page after the template took 5 minutes to load, and after seeing about 4 or 5 large pictures of some sewing patterns from what must have been another auction, and after a few pony lot pics, the rest were mixed in with copious pics of a guitar.

I meticulously examine everything I sell, describe it to the best of my ability, and take clear, pre-cropped, magnifiable pics, charge the least amount of shipping possible, ship it within 48 hours using grade A packing materials that I spend a lot of money on, and don't charge a handling fee for, and I get assholes such as the one I got last week that will try and tank my account over a minor flaw that either doesn't exist (I just looked at the auction pics I took on a 17" monitor with the magnifying feature and I still see no flaws on that damned bowl) or was so small that I missed it, while sellers like the aforementioned keep on selling. WTF?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Asshole I've Been Waiting For!

Today I look in eBay messages, and see this:
The bowl and cookie jar arrived today. I am very disappointed in the bowl for it has several chips inside the bowl toward top and it has an approximately a 4" deep scratch in bowl toward bottom. It doesn't meet the description you listed and way not worth 47.00. I feel you described a perfect bowl but mailed an inferior bowl. I will be leaving a negative feedback. I feel you should refund at least half the sale price.
I am not the idiot that bid the bowl up to $47, lady. I am not the one who thought it was worth $47, lol. I listed it at $10. Also, the bowl had no damage when it left this house.

If it's in such horrible shape, then why would you want to keep it? This whole exchange reeks of "I want a discount".

Don't buyers think? Since she stated she's going to leave me a negative anyway, then why should I bother to placate her ass? I could very well just keep the money, fight her on it and be a total bitch, why should I bother lifting a finger since it won't make a difference anyway?

And...does this describe a "perfect" bowl?
No cracks or chips. 7 1/2" across, about 3" deep.
I reported her for abusing my return policy, which is you send item back, I send refund. I used the "wants a partial refund" complaint.

I messaged her last night offering full refund for item returned. No answer. Then messaged again this morning asking what she wanted me to answer. So I refunded her a little over half and sent her a message again telling her so, and if she wants to return the bowl, I will refund the rest upon receipt, and after that fuck it, I am washing my hands of the whole situation. I've got bigger fish to fry.

Apparently I "bought" myself a positive feedback. She left me two glowing positives. I feel like I was extorted...she's going on the blocked bidder list.

Fakes, Forgeries and Etsy Cheap-asses

I bought a ton of vintage at the fleamarket last week, one thing being a full, sealed vintage bottle of Chanel No. 5. I have it listed for several days, and of course after someone has bid, someone else with little-no feedback messages me and says it's fake.

No reason why to support her claim, just "It's fake". I added an edit to the auction adding that I had gotten a message saying the bottle was fake, let the damned buyers judge for themselves. 9 times out of 10 a vintage bottle is only used for display anyway. Plus, the "informer" hasn't sold or bought anything in months, I am unsure whether to believe her or not, seeing as sometimes sellers of high-end shit will make several accounts in order to interfere with other people's business.

Then I log onto Etsy, and see a cheap low-ball offer for some plates I have on there. I had them at $25 to begin with, then I lowered them to $15, then I lowered them again to $7.00 to get rid of them and this person wants me to cut her a "deal". Deal? What the hell do you think I paid for these things? They weren't free! But since I have 3 sets, I think she may want all 3, which would give me a few extra bucks and free up space in my little kitchen cabinet...but ugh, I hate being lowballed.

Well, that went well. Here's the entire exchange. It figures she's from California, and is blonde. LOL

Hello! Do you think we could make a deal on this item? I just got married and im in college, plus our new apartment. Im still trying to collect and I fell in love with this set but im on a low budget. Hopefully we can make something out of it!
I have three sets of these, you just want the one right? I can go $5.00

yeah. But I can only do $7 total. The shipping is kind of what throws everything off for me

There's no way I can ship it to CA for under $10, it's too heavy.

What the fuck? Yeah, sure I love paying for an item, then wasting time doing a write-up and photographs, paying for the listing (Twice! because this same set got bought and then cancelled on me before) and then even MORE I love giving the thing away and actually losing money on shipping it. Ridiculous. I am willing to bet she's a pegasister, LOL.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fleamarket Flip

Went and braved the fleamarket this morning in search of resale items. First table I hit, I hit last time I was there, I paid $1.50 for three things and turned 2 of them into $22.00, the other is languishing in my Etsy shop, but I don't think it will for long. Today, he had a pile of linens and among the linens were vintage hats and some purses. Some lady asked the price and he said a "$1 each in that pile"

She walked away, and I grabbed a purse and 2 hats, one is Italian angora, one is a brown velvet made in NYC. Purse was shiny black vinyl, very retro. As I was about to pay I noticed on the table that he had several old bottles of perfume, including a full, sealed bottle of Chanel No. 5. I asked "$5" SOLD. Then at the other end he had a near-mint snake or lizard purse, again very retro, I asked, "$8", again SOLD.

I then grabbed a few MLP in other spots (yes, I am an idiot...) and as we were getting ready to leave, remembered that one of the "junk guys" (read - box truck full of banana boxes filled with random crap) had had a peacoat sitting on his table that I had been hemming about.

I went back, grabbed an old velvet mod purse and a suede USA made newsboy hat, and grabbed the coat. I ask "How much?" He snottily says $25. I ask "Will you take $20?" and he informs me snootily that the peacoat is "real" and that he had had it on ebay for $75. I resisted the urge to say "And you didn't get that because it's here", but I held my tongue. I thought on it for a minute and thought "Fuck it, why not?" and bought them for asking price.

Now I feel like an asshole. I looked up said coat, guy must have taken crappy pics or something, because this thing sells regularly for about $200+. The purse and hat around $25-$50 each.

I will not dicker again. It's shitty. I am just used to being poor and trying to get rock bottom prices, and I wasn't really sure about the coat, but the buttons bothered me and it haunted me until I went back and left with it.

AND Ma's Burberry coat is still here. I said fuck it and measured it, and photographed it on my dummy. I want to ask her to leave it here so it won't stink and will stay pristine for someone. I may just ask if I can sell it for her. I hate high-end merchandise being mishandled, it's a pet-peeve of mine.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dumb Phones and People Who Won't Do Their Own Research

I am a little fed up with idiots on so-called "smart phones" that take pictures at the auction house and that refuse to do any real research. I don't have a smartphone, nor do I have a need for one. My knowledge comes from years of antiquing, going to fleamarkets and selling online. I look at an item and know instantly whether I am going to buy it or not.

You know, maybe this is part of the reason ebay does crack down on certain sellers, because it's clear that some of them know nothing about that which they sell without the aid of the all-knowing interwebs and because they don't know what they're dealing with, half the time they don't know how to describe it or pack it correctly either. My mother is one of these people.

My mother uses me as her fuckin' smart phone and it's getting on my nerves a little. "How do you pack this?" "Should I buy this?" etc.

I have 8 minutes left on my pre-paid cell phone for the month, I am trying to conserve them so I don't have to buy more before next month.

This morning Ma goes to the thrift store. Text: "There's a Burberry coat for $10. Should I buy it?" "Well?"

If you've got to ask me then you know nothing about it and perhaps it's something you should not be dealing with, I think to myself.

Then another "It's in good shape" meanwhile my minutes are used up each time she texts me...then she fuckin' calls. I don't answer. She arrives at my door all huffy and bitches that I don't answer my phone. I then say "I've got 8 minutes left-for the MONTH!"

"Oh" she says, and then drags the huge coat in question into my kitchen and drapes it across my dressmaker's dummy and fuckin' leaves it here. Because, she'll "come back and take pictures later" meaning that either I've got to leave the fuckin' dummy sitting in my kitchen with the damned coat on it all day, or remove said coat and dummy to the spare room, only to drag both back out later on.

Then she'll be pissed off and be bitching later on when said coat sells for only $20 because she will
A. Take a blurry picture, only ONE, maybe two, if you're lucky, nor will she use the cropper.
B. She won't have taken measurements, and of course someone will fuckin' ask and guess who will have to give her the tutorial on how to measure it properly? (me, in case you haven't figured that out)

Then the buyer will bitch about the smoke smell once it arrives. She puts a "disclaimer" saying she cannot guarantee the item won't smell like smoke (but trust me, it WILL. Her, my sister and my stepdad all smoke like chimneys, there's a literal smoke haze that never goes away in that house) *headdesk*

People, if you smoke, don't sell clothes! Non-smokers HATE smoke smell and sometimes it takes several washing to get the smell out and if the item is dry clean only, that shit will get expensive in a hurry!

Also don't pack glass or ceramics in paper. Don't do it! You've got to use bubble wrap and packing peanuts. If you're fuckin' worried about the environment, don't sell shit that breaks or use that expensive corn based packing shit that melts. You can't just chuck shit in a box unwrapped and let it rattle around in there.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I am breaking up with friggen FedEx. I am sick of their crap.

Last month, I shipped a very tall lamp via FedEx because that's what the buyer chose to use. I boxed the son-of-a-bitch and then set it out on my porch...See March 10 blog "FedUp" for more details. Long story short, FedEx fucked up several times and wasted my time that time too.

This time I chose them because it saved me a bit of money on shipping a very heavy clock. Other sellers make a note of this: Not worth the savings. You'll get a shipping time ding.

I scheduled the pick-up for 9-9 on April 15. That night, the driver calls me and apologizes to me, says he forgot and that he was done for the day, is it okay to pick it up first thing in the morning?

One day, eh, okay.

Tonight, I get home at 4:30 and the fuckin' box is still here! I get on the horn and call the drivers cell. No answer. I call FedEx's toll free number. All automated. I call back and press 0 and bark "Box never picked up" and get a human. She puts me on hold, gets back on the line and says "Sorry, all our drivers in the area have gone home, we have to pick it up tomorrow" And proceeds to tell me that the driver that called me didn't work today, and didn't leave a note for anyone.

Meanwhile my buyer is asking why his package isn't being shown as picked up. Fuckin AAA. It makes me look unprofessional and inept, and it pisses me off. I explained to the buyer what is happening and wrote FuckUp, I mean FedEx a nasty e-mail but I doubt they'll do anything. I feel like I am going to refund the buyer for his shipping costs for his inconvenience at the end of this. I am mega-mega pissed off...

So here's the shoe I guess.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Strange Events

For two weeks I had lackluster sales and several deadbeats. Then Friday I started getting offers and buys out of nowhere.

I sold an apron, shoes, and a sewing attachment on Etsy.

I got paid by one of my Ebay deadbeats. I finally sold that monkey-on-my-back french clock, I got a reasonable offer on some Eames era plates. After I relisted the 5 day layaway item (as expected she never did pay, and then I blocked her), I got full asking price and full shipping price for it.

Now I wait for the other shoe to drop, lol.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Literally. Last week, I sold a large starburst wall clock. Buyer never paid, unpaid item assistant opened a case, buyer still didn't pay.

Meanwhile, I sell a large wooden wall clock, and a heavy and large marble mantel clock.

I say "Okay got two clocks to pack, this is going to suck!" and lo and behold the non-payer pays...GAH!

While I appreciate the revenue, I don't appreciate having to pack 3 clocks at once and sweat bullets all week waiting for confirmation of their safe arrival. Two was enough thank you, lol. PLUS the NPB didn't pay, so I didn't bother to look for a box while I was at work last week. I will have to fabricate one or hunt for one. I say 2 day handling so I've got til' Tuesday...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I Hate Selling Toys 2 Electric Boogaloo

This is a prime example of the lame things people do on the My Little Pony boards. I listed these ponies in January as "for sale" and then forgot about them. In mid-March
I get this message:

Hi, may I buy your breezies please, all except meadow moon. I would also like a couple of the carts please. Thank you.

I reply:
 I've got Tumbletop, Silly Lily and Fluffaluff left. All the carts are still available.

For over 2 weeks there is no reply and then:
 Hi, thanks so much for getting back to me. I am currently not looking for those.

Let's see. You messaged me asking to buy every single one (except Meadowmoon, lol) and a couple of carts. I reply to your message having sold a couple since it's been 2 months since I posted the damned ad you're asking about, and now suddenly you want none of them? Okay.

They're always complaining about ebay prices on those boards. Well, stop and think for a minute about why people sell them on ebay instead of your boards.

You know why?
Because they can ask more than $2 without someone bitching that they're too poor, you're asking too much.
Because there's a time limit on your replies.
Because you have to pay within a certain time frame or your account may get a NPB ouchie.
There's no "hold this for me indefinitely, 2 years from now I might buy it when I scrape up the other $3"

When I go to sell off the rest of my collection, it's going on Etsy, eBay and/or Bonanza. It's not going through those boards. It's worth it to pay a fee to not deal with excessive headaches and tying up of merchandise.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

For The Love Of God People...

When listing lingerie, don't model your own shit! Friggen ewwwwwww. I have been researching vintage lingerie on eBay and Etsy so I can get a feel of what people ask and how things are photographed because of my large stash that I still have not listed...

About 30% of the time it's either the shop owner or some fugly friend of theirs modelling the lingerie. One chick had bleach blonde hair with the roots showing and tattoos all over her modelling a very nice vintage slip that may have garnered some interest if that mental image wasn't sticking with you. The only thing that could have made it look trashier would have been a butt hanging out of her mouth.

Keep it classy, people.

Please. Please if you need a way to photograph your clothing, invest in a dummy or a mannequin.

There. I said it.


I found out (and it warms the cockles of my evil heart) that my most hated buyer EVER, myguys58 was NARU'd finally.

I scoped out her id when double-checking some info for the write-up I sent Rich Vernadeau for his book. I noticed that before her banishment, they had wiped clean not only the veiled negative I had given her, but also some other seller's feedback stating she was a little "weird".

You can still see the feedback she left others with many neutrals, negatives, and "thanks for working with me" posts, meaning she bitched and got refunds a lot. I think they were only too willing to ban her because she sold as well as bought.

I know I reported her ass about 30 seconds after her first message to me. I told them she was verbally abusive and hostile, which she was. I hope that report was one of the determining factors in her NARU.


Since ebay has been playing a game of IP hide and seek with me (I had to change my IP address in order to log in yesterday!) and 2 NPB have left a bad taste in my mouth, I've decided to list even more on Etsy and I've begun the "Twitter Hustle". I hand pick one or two items from my shop and tweet them.

I follow buyers and sellers of my type of merchandise and they follow me back...sometimes. My "hustle" has resulted in one sale, so I was pleased. I love their merchandise, and have no problem re-tweeting their sales links, however, I feel like with the prices some of them charge...good luck to them..

I focused on a lovely crystal necklace someone was selling on Etsy. If it was mine, I'd price it at about $25 and pray that I got a bite, but she had it priced $165. I re-tweeted it anyway and hope for her that someone with cash to burn will jump on it. 

As for my shop...Etsy has been good for a solid $70 this past for me.

My ebay shows $115 in sales over the past 5 days but only $20 has been paid, as my mortgage company will attest to. Unpaid assistant jumped on my "5 day layaway" planner last night. Whether she will actually pay remains to be seen. I also sold a clock last night but haven't heard a peep from the buyer, which is just as well since I am on the hunt for a better box anyway.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Best Offer? K, No Thanks

Someone sends me an offer on something this morning. I have said item priced at $25 with the hated free shipping.

The offer? $8.

Tonight, another insult. An antique clock that I priced at $350 got an offer of $155. I previously rejected one for $200 and countered with $230 which he let go. I didn't even counter this one. This clock is antique, french, and in near perfect condition. I refuse to give it away.

Why do these  people even bother? Do they enjoy insulting people?

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Today I went to the fleamarket. I bought a bagful of the pesky aforementioned My Little Pony toys, a sweetheart pillow, and a few random other things. I went up to one booth and asked the man how much he was asking for his vintage tablecloths. He snottily replied: "Ten bucks. They'd charge ya a hundred bucks fa them things at Brimfield"

I was willing to pay up to $10 for one of them, because me and Oxi-Clean are BFFs, until he opened his mouth.

Not with the stains yours had on them, dude. At Brimfield they'd be stain-free, hole free, starched, ironed, folded neatly and arranged by color, not hanging haphazardly off an old drying rack, blowing around getting dusty.

I love how people selling you something feel the need to point out what a bargain (pronounced bah-ghan. Masshole accent) you're getting. "I could get xxx dollars on ebay/Brimfield/a B&M store" Well then, sell it there!

Have I Ever Told You How Much I Hate Selling Toys?

No? LOL. Now I have had three toy deadbeats in one week's time. One was a My Little Pony toy. This bitch went out of her way to outbid someone else and then never paid. Unpaid Assistant got her and I relisted.

Then there is the chick from my previous "Layaway" post here. She made me a Best Offer, also on a MLP toy. One would think that if she was making an offer, she should have known how much she had to work with and expected to pay immediately. Nope.

I accepted, lowered the shipping price on it, sent her an invoice, and then she messaged me a couple of days later with the previously quoted message with the request for 5 more days.

This last one is a doll, the person is not a NPB yet, but I feel like she might end up being one. I find that if they don't pay within the first few hours, they generally won't.

Sometimes I post things for sale on My Little Pony message boards. The people there are always fickle, they always ask if you have something other than what you actually posted for sale. They request you to "hold" something and then never get back to you, or they wait months to answer a post and ask if you still have the item.

If you're so fuckin' interested in something, it should be simple.

You message seller, say "If you still have that, I want it, mark it sold", wait for payment info and pay. Seller marks it sold and sends it. Simple. Transaction done.

Ugh. I guess it's what I should expect from adults who watch cartoons, call themselves ponies, and dress up like them.

I used to collect MLP. Rabidly. I never felt the need to dress up like Fluttershy and prance around with pink hair while quoting a really rather asinine cartoon, and discussing the different personality characteristics of animated pony toys with other like-minded nimbuses. Even when I was a kid and I had the original toys, I cringed about the 1980's cartoons associated with them and refused to watch them

The only reason I have even seen this newest cartoon is because my husband (who is very immature, BTW) watches Transformers on the HUB and sometimes I catch part of a MLP cartoon or commercial about it. I cringe inwardly at its stupidity as he looks at me expectantly like he thinks that because I collect them I should be watching this schlock or something. Lame.

I hate selling toys with the burning intensity of 100,000 suns! Things for kids attract people with the mentality of them.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Layaway Plan!

I just love when people use Buy-It-Now and several days later send me a message like this:


I would like to apologise for not being able to make this payment straight away but I do still want the item. Would it be okay if I had 5 more days? I am so sorry for any inconvenience, I didn't have the available funds I should have had. Would this still be okay? I am terribly sorry again.

Oh yes. I just told her that unpaid item assistant is turned on, but she should have several more days to pay afterward...cheeri-fuckin-o. Sure girlfriend, my mortgage company that's already been waiting an extra week will love me while you fart around because you didn't check shipping price/your bank balance before you pressed that button. It's nearly always a toy person. I fucking HATE selling toys.

I do believe that about 3/4 of my auctions are being throttled. The views and interest are very lopsided. Etsy also went hot for a week, then died again. I have a $300+ clock up for sale that a guy sent me an insulting offer on, which I countered to no avail.

This stupid pony thing that this woman bought is the biggest item I've sold in days, so it figures she wouldn't pay. The lame thing is she sent me a Best Offer which I accepted, AND I shaved like $12 off her shipping price because I was offering free shipping to USA people and wanted to make it fair.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

eBay For Dummies

I bought the book eBay for dummies. I read it years ago, but one particular thing resonated with me when it came to vintage clothes.

In the book, the author speaks of buying a bra for a bargain price and getting it in a taquitos box or some such thing, and while she liked the bra, she lamented how it made her feel to pull it out of a recycled food box. She goes on to say wouldn't have minded paying a higher price for a better presentation. It seems counterintuitive to spend money on fancy trappings, but I get what she meant.

This past weekend I splurged on some "fancy" trappings for my clothes goods. I bought pretty tissue paper, and sweet little bird/flower/owl stickers with which to fasten it closed once I wrap the item in it. I refuse to use recycled anything for them. Ordering brand spanking new envelopes was a must. I must say, I am pleased with the first few "fancy" wrappings I've done. It only cost a few extra dollars, and I hope that my customers will be pleased with it.

Buyer Protection, My Ass...More Like Seller Rape

There's a brand new "Money Back Guarantee" ad that eBay has right on the front page with the guy who looks like the guy from the Trivago ads touting eBay's lovely "buyer protection"

 "Get what you ordered or your money back"

What "you ordered" is all semantics. First off, did you really read the description? Did you look at the pictures? Or did you see a blurry picture and bid hoping for a bargain and then find out it wasn't all it was cracked up to be? Did you bother to ask any questions? The seller might not know how long Crissy's hair was supposed to be. My first neutral EVER, in 2001, was from some chick from California who bitched about the length of a Crissy dolls hair. I read her "feedback left for others" and cringed - she was a chronic complainer.

You should have notified the seller that their blurry picture sucked before you bid, but then the price would have gone too high, right?

Now look at your item, and imagine yourself losing your job over it. Because what you're doing when you return something is putting a strike on the sellers account.

In a perfect world, it wouldn't matter so much, but eBays lopsided "The buyer is always right" policies allow a small seller 3 strikes in a year. This means that this seller has to have it right 99.9% of the time...or else.

Sometimes you can't please a buyer no matter what you do, because they're looking for trouble.

I don't want a return, I wanted the item to be better. Now how you deal with this one, I don't know.

I don't care that you had a miscarriage and your grandfather died all in one week, you should have shipped faster than 48 hours. Granted, buyers would not know about that, I don't air my personal grievances to my buyers, but point being there are things going on behind the scenes in a seller's life that hinder eBay business at times.

This is exactly as described but I don't want it anyway. Okaay.

I had three buyers in the past year complain about something to me, but I really don't know why they were complaining because they didn't want a refund or a return, they just wanted to bitch about it. Thankfully only one opened a case...which she let close because she didn't mean to open it in the first place, but the ding was still there. I offered refunds in all three cases but only the woman took it, I forced it upon her because it was my husband's account and I wanted to make sure it stayed clean.

Sellers are not allowed to get sick, or to have emergencies, we're not allowed to accidentally leave a box checked that says free shipping and then rescind after when the auction ends and we find out about it (which recently happened to me twice, causing me to lose 50% of my profit on one item and about 80% on the other), we're not allowed typos, or blurry pics, we're not allowed to *not* have a smartphone in case a buyer needs to talk to you right away...not that they will answer you in a timely manner anyway once you respond...

These may all come back to bite us in the ass. Some predatory buyers look for these things and try to capitalize on it.

You don't know the person behind the other keyboard, so who gives a shit about them and their family, right?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


This past week I have pulled out all the selling stops and finally started photographing my 1930's-1960's clothing goodies and am listing them on Etsy.

Also been taking my defunct ebay relists and popping them on Etsy as well, that way I am not continually being robbed of my monthly "freebie" quota and lowering prices to make some cheap-ass happy. I hate free shipping. I sold a plate a little over a week ago. It went 4 days and then ebay opened the Unpaid case on him, he paid on the LAST DAY before they dinged him and then I look...I have forgotten and left free shipping on the fuckin' thing, when I originally listed it, the price was higher which covered the shipping.

So I made about $2 on that plate, and how much you want to bet that the buyer will be pissy because a case got opened on him and will be looking for any possible thing to complain about?

So I am jumping ship and focusing on Etsy. It's way less stressful.

I've got 10 more vintage aprons to go, and have been debating whether to do retakes on some of the dresses I've already photographed/listed because some of them were wrinkled and I am trying to look as professional as possible.

I've got an entire armoire full of old early 1960's lingerie as well that needs photographing. There are little sheer shortie nightgowns, a waist nipper with garter attachments, pointy bras, slips, half-slips. Some still have the original store tags on them. It's a veritable treasure trove. One that ebay won't be getting their greedy hands on, thank you.

Looking for a low DSR?

Then sell comic books. LOL. My husband is one of those buyers. He buys something and continually checks the tracking number and stresses about where the item is. Being a seller himself, you'd think he'd cut other sellers some slack, but nopers.

"This is ridiculous, it's been almost a week"

I keep telling him to quit whining, why would someone tank their rating over a lowly box of comic books? He finally got himself so worked up over the damned thing that he had USPS text him whenever the box was scanned! They finally arrived yesterday and the drama was over. If he gives them a low DSR, I shall kick him square in the behind.

I must say though, that us shipping within 24 hours with items packed securely gives me a sense of pride in what I do when I receive packages from other sellers. A lot of people sit on the item for up to 3 days before they mail it, and just chuck it in a box with little-no packing material. How they are still selling is beyond me, because other buyers would go ballistic over that shit.

Shirley Dumple

  Ebay has now changed the feedback removal protocol for sellers and now even though they like to tout "You're covered" when y...