Thursday, December 9, 2021

Arnoldo, USPS and other musings my utter shock, Arnold paid for his shit. I guess I won't have to send him gay porn after 

The USPS and eBay, though have thoroughly pissed me off this past week and a half. 

First, I'm pissed because eBay is now holding $522 hostage, reason being, the shit I sent has not been delivered yet. Though I now have a 3 month old, established account and I have never taken more than 24 hours to send something out. There's no solid reason they should be holding my money at this point. In fact, they had stopped for a couple of weeks, then the impatient Italian bitch opened a case. Me figures, that was the catalyst. Thanks bitch. First I had to pay you $52 on my fucking birthday, now you're causing a log jam the likes of which I have never encountered. I fired off a heated message to eBay for business about it. 

I have a doll outfit sent on the 29th of November still swirling the bowl somewhere - no updates to be had. Buyer bitched at me last night and asked "WHEN is it ever going to leave Massachusetts?" Chances are, it already did a long time ago, but is now in some distribution center purgatory somewhere in the midwest, because that seems to be where everything hangs up. 

I have 3 pairs of Mego shoes I sold on Etsy that were going to Colorado...the buyer sent a note bitching about where is his shit...dude, does it fuckin' say somewhere in my TOS that I run the USPS? I know about as much as you do!'s going through the midwest.

I sent a doll on the 7th. On the shipping label it says "2 day shipping". It's headed to NC. Today, it's still in fuckin' Connecticut. DeJoy needs to be FIRED. The USPS is a shadow of its former self and prices are getting ridiculous and their lack of service is costing online resellers a bundle in bullshit "non-delivery" cases that are being opened on the daily.

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