Friday, December 31, 2021

Rah Rah Refunds!

 Man, the people on the cheerleader board with their return policy nonsense...They just love gifting their profits to "buyers." I'm sorry, if you refunded all the money from the sale, it is no longer a buyer, it's a fucking panhandler and you just gave them a donation.

This chick was all pleased that she bought and paid for a positive feedback. Some dude commented underneath: "You can't buy positive feedback like the comments a customer will leave when you've bent over backwards to make an issue right. A single customer comment about how honest you are is priceless when other potential customers are searching your feedback."

But dude, she did buy the feedback. SMH. Also, a buyer might read that as "I can whine and get money back from this idiot" or "This person screws up a lot, no thanks". Usually when reading negatives I look at the seller replies left as my indicator. This is a brother in arms, I'm gonna buy from this dude. lol. 

Meanwhile me, aka as Attila the Hun am fighting hardcore this morning with my non reader of descriptions. I'm sorry. I'm not paying $68 shipping for some dude to get my cuckoo clock for free, nor am I paying $136 both ways shipping for him to "return" what he knew he was getting without an argument. At best, I may offer him the purchase price so that I am only out the $20 I paid for the fucking clock. As it is I am blowing up the Eschlong for Bidnezz messenger system asking them basically "Why should I refund when what he is describing as "problems" are listed in the description?"

I don't do this type of shit:

Just wanted to thank this page for changing my attitude when dealing with an unhappy buyer…a year ago I would have responded in a defensive manner bc clearly I’m always right…haha. Yesterday a buyer reached out to me saying she was disappointed in the condition of the item. I responded very politely and apologetic and offered a small partial refund. She was very pleased and will hopefully leave a positive review. I have y’all to thank for this!

 If I am wrong, I will accept a return, yes, however, if it is just buyer's remorse such as this one...oh hell no. I am not taking it up the ass to buy feedback. When this dude is done, I may have one strike on my account and also a negative, and you know what? I really don't give a shit. I am tired of the handholding and mollycoddling of buyers. Sometimes they are fucking wrong

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