Saturday, December 4, 2021

iTeM sPeCIfIcs

 I have an issue with eBay's stupid "item specifics". There, I said it. 

The other day I was listing doll clothing. These particular clothes were for Ken dolls. 

When I was done, I got the now requisite "item specifics missing" message (because I am not going to say it is 1 piece, a jacket for a 12 inch fashion doll by Mattel named Ken, made in Tokyo Japan at 8:12 AM on a Saturday July 18th 1959 by Sukiyaki on machine 66, row 4 and after she was done Suki had some dango followed by a hit of sake then pooped in stall 1). 

These stupid specifics included a "required soon" (joy - required) this required soon was "type" NOBODY fuckin' looks for Ken clothes by typing in "fashion doll". I know when I am researching I say "vintage Ken outfit blue jacket" or some such shit - I don't specifically type that I am looking for 12 inch fashion doll clothing blue jacket - you know how many NOT Ken listings that would pull up? No fuckin' thanks. Item specifics, like Seller Hub, is clunky, useless, time consuming and annoying.

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